Action in Waimanalo Nov 19 | Small BIZ Sat | Congrats Jim Case | Niu gets its Playground!

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BY SEN. SAM SLOM – He’ll Be Baaack! APEC is finally over, the spin about how wonderful it was (it wasn’t from a small business perspective) is on and just when you thought your traffic woes were pau, Mr. Obama announced he and family will be back again in Kailua for the holidays.


Let ‘Em Eat Steak. According to the First Lady, Michelle Obama, talking about obese kids in Hawaii at the Ma’o Organic Farm, she said the keiki should “get their palettes adjusted,” and told kids her favorite foods were, and the kids should eat, steak and arugula. Arugula?


Great NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Tomorrow. Thursday, join me and other SBH members and guest speakers Phyllis Shimabukuro and sister Lois, family small business owners (Mikilua Poultry Farm, Inc., Island Fresh Eggs) who, will speak on “Buying Local and the Challenges to Hawaii Agricultural Products.” This is the SBH Sunrise Networking Breakfast forum, 7 – 8:30 am at the Pineapple Room in Ala Moana Macy’s.


This is the final Sunrise for 2011.  Phyllis, was one of three honorees cited September 16 by the Small Business Hawaii Entrepreneurial Education Foundation as a “Successful Business All Star.” She will discuss the family business and new product technology while sister Lois will detail the marketing of local agricultural products.  The public is welcome to the SBH Sunrise. Advance reservations are required. Call Darlyn at SBH 396-1724 for reservations or register online here.


Nui Nui Niu! Last week I wrote about the resident efforts to raise money for playground equipment in Niu Valley and asked for your support in helping them win a grant. Well, you did it! Led by Jeanine Johnson and Peter Kay, the group was the winner of a $15,000 grant. Help them celebrate this Saturday at the Niu Valley Middle School Cafeteria, with a pizza party starting at 5 pm. (Uh oh, the UH football game starts at 6 pm). Go to to get involved.


Go Chang Go! David S. Chang is the new Chair of the Hawaii Republican Party. Chang is a community leader, entrepreneur, president & CEO of Green Tech Pacific and Chang Holding Company and a West Point grad. He’ll need all those skills and more to help the financially troubled and philosophically split party. Go get ’em David!


Shake Roofing. Effective November 1, the new owners of SBH member Wilkinson Shake Roofing are president Chris Yonkers and Craig Britton. Yonkers has been with the firm for more than 35 years; Craig for 28 years. Call them at 456-5006


Award for Lex Brodie’s. The 2011 Tire Dealer Humanitarian Award was presented to Lex Brodie’s Tire Company on October 31at the annual Tire Industry Association’s (TIA) convention in Las Vegas.  Lex Brodie’s was the single recipient selected out of approximately 30,000 independent tire dealers, retreaders and wholesalers in North America.


Auction Action. This Saturday, November 19, our SBH member Joe Teipel, will auction off equipment, cars, boats, furniture etc. from a plant research farm in Waimanalo, 10 am – 5 pm. For more info call Joe at 392-6158..


Happy 60th to Jim Case. The Carlsmith Ball law firm this month celebrates the 60th anniversary of attorney Jim Case’s affiliation with the firm. He joined the Hilo office in November 1951 and, at age 91, still works in the Honolulu office to actively serve clients every day. Case helped develop Carlsmith Ball to its modern-day status as one of the state’s pre-eminent law firms. He joined the Hilo office in 1951 – one of four partners at the time – and later moved to help open the Honolulu office.  During his tenure as chairman of the executive committee, he expanded the firm from 15 lawyers in 1965 to 75 lawyers in 1982, opening offices in multiple locations across the Pacific. In 1979, he was named as one of Hawaii most influential lawyers in the 20 years since statehood.


He made a significant contribution to the development of the tourism industry on the neighbor islands by helping his clients develop hotels, raise capital through the securities markets, and form joint ventures. He helped transform the electric utilities on the islands of Hawaii and Kauai, changing the model from many small companies providing inadequate service to large, full-service companies serving the entire islands. For 40 years he and Carlsmith have fought for landowner rights in Hawaii, representing more than 30 community associations with some 10,000 homeowners as they sought to acquire ownership of the land under their homes.


Judge Tells Neil to Tell Us. Judge Karl Sakamoto’s ruling Monday against the Governor and in favor of the Star Advertiser in the newspaper’s lawsuit to compel the Governor to disclose the Judicial Selection Commission’s lists of nominees may be challenged by State Attorney General David Louie. Previous Governors released the names of all nominees voluntarily.. It is a good ruling.


Buy Small Business. Small Business Saturday, Saturday, November 26, urges people to buy from a small business. The event is co-sponsored by AMEX. Support small business EVERY day.


No More Financial Assistance. The Department of Human Services (DHS) announced it will discontinue its work incentive programs for families who have received financial assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Temporary Assistance for Other Needy Families (TAONF) programs.  These programs began in 2001, and were designed to assist low-income working families as they transition back into the workforce. The Employment Subsidy, Exit Bonus, Retention Bonus and Earned Income Disregard Reimbursement programs will be discontinued effective December 31, 2011 affecting 580 individuals across the State.


Keeping Up With the Jones Act. In his new political White Paper, Senatorial candidate John Carroll again takes aim at the Jones Act which adds costs to Hawaii businesses and consumers. Carroll points out Jones never came up during APEC. In his just-released white paper report entitled HAWAII’S POTENTIAL FOR OPEN PORTS AND FREE TRADE IN HAWAII, Adopting Singapore’s Economic Model Carroll, lays out a bold plan for removing shipping restrictions that stifle free trade for Hawaii.


Partington Suspended. The Hawaii Supreme Court suspended Honolulu attorney Earle Partington from practicing law in Hawaii for 30 days. The high court ruled that Partington engaged in “professional misconduct” by submitting an appeals brief in the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals in Washington, D.C., that appeared to omit facts necessary to accurately portray the case’s court-martial proceedings. The Navy’s Office of the Judge Advocate General imposed on Partington an indefinite suspension from the practice of law in Navy jurisdictions, and the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals imposed a one-year suspension, the Supreme Court said. Associate Justice Paula Nakayamadissented from the ruling by three of the five justices, saying she would have imposed a suspension of at least one year. Associate Justice Sabrina McKenna joined in the dissent.


Rail Roaded. On November 30, the first court hearing involving the challenge to the Honolulu rail will take place in Honolulu federal court. The issue: standing of the 7 plaintiffs, including the SBH Foundation, who filed suit against the City. The actual court date for the issue of the rail itself will probably commence in February.


Ads in School? Proposals are being discussed to place ads on public school buildings. Only “approved and appropriate” ads would be considered. Trojan Products should be one of the first since so much of Hawaii public schooling deals with early sex education. A win-win.


Blonde Uprising. Award winning Hawaii, Hawaii’s first electronic daily newspaper begun 9 years ago, still is free. Hawaii Reporter’s Malia Zimmerman reports daily (M-F) on the Rick Hamada Show, KHVH radio on 830 AM at, 7:40 am. Malia also reports on Kauai’s KKCR with Sandy Brodie on Tuesday mornings, on the station’s “Morning Paper.” She will report the news behind the news for you.

Want more local business information? Please visit the several SBH websites at::, and




