Aina Haina Home Sales are Heating Up

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BY  – Aina Haina (which is Hawaiian for Hinds Land), John Hind’s onetime large Dairy Farm, has been very active lately. Homes started being built here in the late 1940s and many have been remodeled, or replaced with newer homes.

There were 30 homes sold in the valley last year ranging from a vacant lot for $440,000 to a remodeled home on Nenue Street for $1,424,000. Because of this sudden activity there are only 6 homes listed (in the main valley) as of today.

Aina Haina House on Opihi St.

This new listing on Opihi Street (MLS# 1210134) is listed at $1,380,000 and just got an accepted offer

What Makes Aina Haina Such a Great Neighborhood?

What makes Aina Haina such a great neighborhood is a combination of its location, being less that 2 miles from Kahala, and two miles closer to town that Hawaii Kai. Coupled with mostly larger sized lots, several good elementary schools, a newly remodeled Shopping Center, and proximity to the ocean buyers have recently “discovered” this area again.





