Akaka Bill Is Offensive, Divides the People of Hawaii

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I will passionately oppose the Akaka Bill, for it will separate my ”’ohana”’ by race.

Our great-grandparents arrived in Hawaii from Kumamoto, Japan, during King Kalakaua’s reign and our grandmother was born in Hawaii the year Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by subjects of the kingdom.

My family residing in Hawaii prior to 1893 does not change my opposition on the Akaka Bill and does not change my deep-rooted belief that we are one people in Hawaii as Americans.

The recorded history of Feb. 26, 1894, was when the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations presented its report (Morgan Report) on the floor of the Senate clearing the United States and Minister John Stevens of being complicit in the Jan. 17, 1893, overthrow. (libweb.hawaii.edu/digicoll/annexation/annexation.html)

The recorded history and U.S. Court of Claims records dated May 16, 1910, decided that the Crown Lands are part of the Government Lands and belonged to all the people of Hawaii.

The Akaka Bill is extremely offensive and will divide Hawaii by race.

”’Jimmy Kuroiwa, a resident of Honolulu, can be reached via email at”’ mailto:jklecet@hawaii.rr.com

