Akaka, Inouye Should Support Tax Reform-It's the American Dream

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Well, it sure looks like it’s time to reregister Republican! It appears the Democratic senators are not supporting real federal tax reform.

Only vote for those, in future elections, who truly support replacing our complex and confusing income tax system with a fair and simple system.

The FairTax Bill – https://www.fairtax.org – will abolish the unpopular death tax and many other unwanted taxes, not only in Hawaii, but nationwide.

I urge all to write Senator Akaka and Senator Inouye requesting them to support and to co-sponsor the FairTax Bill.

It’s the “American Dream”

”’Robert J. Ransom, Jr.-ChFC is a Chartered Financial Consultant (Retired) in Petaluma, CA. Reach him via email at mailto:RANSOM.1@COMCAST.NET”’

