American Minute – January 3rd, 4th and 5th

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”January 3rd”

Frederick the Great of Prussia called these ten days “the most
brilliant in the world’s history.” After winning the Battle of
Trenton, Christmas night, George Washington’s small force dodged
General Cornwallis’ 8,000 man British army. Then one night,
Washington left his campfires burning and snuck his army around the
back of the British camp at Princeton, New Jersey. At daybreak, this
day, January 3, 1777, Washington attacked, capturing three regiments
of British troops. Enthusiasm swept America. Ezra Stiles, president
of Yale College, stated: “Who but a Washington, inspired by Heaven,
could have conceived the surprise move upon the enemy at Princeton?”

”January 4th”

Called the “Father of American Medicine,” he signed the Declaration
of Independence, was Surgeon General of the Continental Army, and
was a staff member of the Pennsylvania Hospital, where he opened the
first free medical clinic. His name was Benjamin Rush, and he was
born this day, January 4, 1745. Rush also founded a Bible Society, a
Sunday School Union and a Society for the Abolition of Slavery. Dr.
Benjamin Rush stated: “The only foundation for a useful education in
a republic is to be laid on the foundation of religion. Without this
there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty,
and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

”January 5th”

Raised by an elderly white couple after his mother was kidnapped
following the Civil War, he left home at age eleven and began school
in Neosho, Missouri, paying his own tuition. He drifted from there
to several towns across Kansas, supporting himself by working as a
cook, doing laundry and odd jobs He eventually received his
bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Iowa State College of
Agriculture. Booker T. Washington recruited him to teach at Tuskegee
Institute, where he introduced hundred of uses for the peanut,
soybean and sweet potato, creating a multi-million dollar industry –
revolutionizing the South’s economy. His name was George Washington
Carver, and he died this day, January 5, 1943. Turning down offers
to work for Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver
said: “God is going to reveal to us things He never revealed before
if we put our hands in His.”

”’William J. Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to research America’s noble heritage. For more information, go to:”’ ”’or send him an email at:”’

