American Minute – January 8th and January 9th

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January 8th

Though the War of 1812 had ended two weeks earlier, news had not yet
reach New Orleans and on this day, January 8, 1815, five thousand
British soldiers charged in a frontal assault against General Andrew
Jackson’s Tennessee and Kentucky sharpshooters. French pirate Jean
Lafitte and his men aided the Americans. In just a half-hour, over
two thousand British were killed and only 8 Americans. General
Jackson wrote: “It appears that the unerring hand of Providence
shielded my men from the shower of balls, bombs, and rockets, when
every ball and bomb from our guns carried with them a mission of

January 9th

Richard Milhous Nixon was born this day, January 9, 1913. A
Lieutenant Commander in the Navy during WWII, he was a Congressman,
Senator, and Vice-President under Eisenhower. He lost his first
presidential race to John F. Kennedy by the smallest margin in a
presidential election up to that date. He served as America’s 37th
President before resigning. In his Inaugural Address, President
Nixon stated: “No man can be fully free while his neighbor is
not…. This means black and white together as one nation, not
two…. What remains is…to insure…that as all are born equal in
dignity before God, all are born equal in dignity before man.”

”’William J. Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to research America’s noble heritage. For more information, go to:”’ ”’or send him an email at:”’

