Applicants Sought for Chair of Hawaii Reapportionment Commission

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Hawaii Supreme Court

In its public meeting today, the Hawaii Reapportionment Commission stated that it has been unable to select a ninth member to serve as the Commission’s chair.

Because the Commission was unable to select a chair within 30 days of certification of its members, the Supreme Court is required by Article IV, Section 2 of the Hawaii State Constitution to select a chair by May 1, 2011. The Supreme Court will accept applications for the position from the public. Because the constitution requires that the Commission be constituted by May 1, 2011, the Supreme Court has only five working days to make a selection.

Anyone interested in serving as Chair of the Hawaii Reapportionment Commission should submit a resume and cover letter that includes the following information:

  • A statement explaining why you are qualified to serve as Commission chairperson
  • Your education and employment history
  • The names of any immediate relatives who serve in elected office
  • A disclosure of any pending litigation; tax, criminal or other matters that may present a potential conflict of interest with the duties of the Commission or that may cause your integrity to be questioned
  • Anything else that would adversely reflect on your application or service on the Commission
  • Three references

The applicant selected is subject to the following requirements: (1) must be a citizen, national, or permanent resident alien of the United States and a resident of the State; and (2) must not serve on another state board or commission; and (3) is not eligible to become a candidate for election to either house of the Hawaii legislature or to the United States House of Representatives in either of the first two elections after the reapportionment plan is implemented.

The names of all applicants will be made public. The Supreme Court will announce its decision by Friday, April 29.

Applications should be received by Tuesday, April 26 at 2 p.m. They may be sent via mail or hand delivery at:

Ali`iolani Hale
Office of the Chief Clerk
417 South King Street
Honolulu, Hi 96813

Alternatively, applicants may submit resumes and cover letters by email to:

More information about the Commission can be found in Chapter 25 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

