Applicants Wanted for Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions, Deadline Extended

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The Judicial Council is extending the deadline in its search to find qualified applicants to serve on the Hawaii State Ethics Commission and on the Campaign Spending Commission.

The deadline for applications has now been extended by one month to March 29, 2012.

Members of both commissions serve on a voluntary basis for a four-year term.

The Ethics Commission addresses ethical issues involving legislators, registered lobbyists, and state employees (with the exception of judges, who are governed by the Commission on Judicial Conduct).

The five commission members are responsible for investigating complaints, providing advisory opinions, and enforcing decisions issued by the Commission. The Hawaii State Constitution prohibits members of the Ethics Commission “from taking an active part in political management or political campaigns.”

The primary duty of the five members of the Campaign Spending Commission is to supervise campaign contributions and expenditures. Commissioners may not participate in political campaigns or contribute to candidates or political committees. The Judicial Council will appoint a panel of nominees, from which the Governor will select to fill current vacancies on the Commission.

Interested persons should submit an application along with a resume and three letters of recommendation (attesting to the applicant’s character and integrity) postmarked by March 29, 2012 to: Judicial Council, Hawai`i Supreme Court, 417 S. King Street, Second Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-2902.

Applications are available on the Hawaii State Judiciary website or by calling the Judicial Council at 539-4702.

