Monday, September 9, 2024
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    Incentives for Retirement Savings

    During the past few months, the Tax Review Commission, a group provided for in our state constitution that is supposed to meet once every five years, has been busy at work. The Commission is tasked with recommending changes to our tax laws, and its consultant has recommended limiting the pension exemption that we now have in our state income tax code so that it only exempts $25,000 per year.

    Our current pension exemption only allows taxpayers to exclude pensions as the result of an employer contribution.  So, it applies if an employer puts something away for its employees, but it doesn’t apply if the employees put something away for themselves under a plan sponsored by the employer.  For example, if I contribute $100 to my employer-sponsored 401(k) plan and my employer makes a matching contribution of $50, then when I retire and the plan pays me $180, only the one-third attributable to the employer contribution ($50 / $150 total) would be exempt from our state income tax.

    Apparently, this rule was designed to take care of defined benefit plans, which many companies had in the old days and which our state government still has now.  In modern times, however, people normally get, and employers normally offer, IRAs, Roth plans, 401(k) plans, and defined contribution pension plans.  The distinction between the plans that are now taxable and those that are exempt is sketchy at best.  If we as a policy matter want to encourage retirement savings, shouldn’t we be encouraging it whether the employer puts something away for the employee or the employees put something away for themselves?

    The federal income tax system also has an incentive for retirement savings in that it allows a deduction for contribution to some retirement accounts such as traditional IRAs, even if the contribution is made after the end of the tax year.  (Hawaii mirrors this incentive, but generally taxes distributions from the accounts, like federal law.)  President Trump’s proposal for tax reform has not yet put this incentive on the chopping block.

    This feature of our income tax system is particularly important because not all employers offer pension plans of any kind, and anyone can establish an IRA.  One interesting story from one of our loyal readers illustrates this feature of our income tax system.

    In February of one year, with the April 15 deadline fast approaching, father and son were at the kitchen table, with receipts, calculators, and tax forms strewn about the area normally occupied by plates, serving trays, and utensils.

    “Argh,” says Son.  “It looks like I’m going to owe money to the IRS.  A little over $1,500.”

    “And,” says Father, “you will need to deal with penalties for not paying enough in estimated tax.”

    “Oh, no!  I didn’t think of that one!”

    “And did you put aside money for your later years?

    “No…I’m having a hard enough time with the bills I have today!”

    “You know what?  I have an idea.”

    “What is it, Dad?”

    “I am going to give you $4,000.  We’re going to open a traditional IRA for you and we will put the money in there.  Put $4,000 on the IRA deduction line and see what happens.”

    “I don’t owe any more!  If you do that, Dad, it would be really great!”

    “But there is one condition.”

    “Oh?  What’s that?”

    “You’re going to put the tax refunds you get into the IRA so you can take the same deduction next year.  And the same goes for the year following.  And so on.”

    “I can do that.  Deal!”

    That was a happy ending for Son, who escaped immediate financial troubles and was able to see a ripple effect from the savings; and for Dad, who encouraged his son to save money responsibly and was able to start teaching him how to invest it.

    These times of decreasing employer-provided retirement benefits and the uncertainties of Social Security point up the need for government to retain incentives for people to provide for their own financial security after retirement.

    Asia-Pacific Tour: Indonesia (Part Two)


    Author’s Note: This is a series of selected highlights from two years (1986-88) of budget travel through 18 countries and a half-dozen US States – hosted all along the way by national and local YMCAs – from Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Papua New Guinea, to Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, The Philippines, Hong Kong, China, Macau,Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and back to the USA.

    Fort Tolukko, Ternate Island, Maluku

    From Bali, I headed to Maluku, the fabled Spice Islands of Indonesia – and what an adventure it was! Our flight was canceled (not uncommon in Indonesia), but a military transport plane happened to be available, and flew us to the Banda Islands for a reasonable price.

    Sailing on a variety of local vessels through deep, indigo-blue waters, schools of dolphin playfully welcomed us to each new group of jungle-clad islands – brilliant green in contrast to the azure sea and sky. These islands are fascinating both in their astonishing natural beauty, and because of the well-preserved 16th century colonial forts and estates. Amid this splendor is a pervasive Pacific Island feeling, but with the distinctive flavor of Asia.

    Traveling with Alice, a young backpacker from Scotland, we climbed volcanoes, explored colonial ruins, wandered through steaming jungles dimly lit up with rays of sunlight slanting through the misty silence, dove in some of Jacques Cousteau’s favorite haunts, and beefed up on delicious food liberally spiced with cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon, for which the islands are famous. It was especially enjoyable staying with the local people in their homes. With very little English spoken in these isolated islands, it was necessary and rewarding to do it all in Indonesian.

    Family Home Stay, Pulau Ay, Maluku

    Continuing to the island of Java I visited YMCA youth development, education and leadership programs in the city of Yogyakarta, renowned as a center of education, classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry and puppet shows. We toured ancient temples and night markets rocking with loud music, mania and crowds – and with oddities like fried cow skin and steamed chicken brains (I didn’t know chickens had enough brain matter to eat!) and weird freak shows featuring dancing giants and dwarfs.

    In Jakarta, a YMCA staff member took me for a hair-raising motorbike ride through the city – past the open sewers that line the sidewalks and streets, challenging the traffic and going up onto the sidewalks to get past particularly bad traffic snarls – leaving me frazzled and well doused from head to toe in a layer of sticky black soot from all the automobile and motorbike exhaust. The distinctive divide between rich and poor was stark as we sped through poor urban neighborhoods – past people squatting, washing clothes and eating utensils, brushing their teeth, and shitting all in the same squalid river – and then past modern hotels and shining high rise office buildings.

    Mount Merapi Yogyakarta
    Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta, Java Island By Crisco 1492/ Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

    By train and then by boat, I sailed along the beautifully rugged Sumatra coastline to Padang for the bull fights, and on to the pleasant coastal village of Air Manus (‘Sweet Water’) and to a guest house run by the friendly old caretaker ‘Papa Chili Chili.’ A spectacularly scenic bus ride north of Padang brought me to the cool, easy-going mountain town of Bukittinggi where I climbed another 10,000 foot volcano – the most active one on Sumatra.

    Unlike Yogyakarta’s dangerously active Mount Merapi – spewing fire, smoke and ash – this Sumatran ‘Merapi’ (‘Fire Mountain’) was dormant — for the time being anyway, and one of three volcanoes surrounding the scenic town.

    A thick cloud bank moved in just as my companions and I summited the cone, causing us to nearly lose our way on the poorly marked trail along a perilously steep drop off. When we finally made it down, the park ranger (belatedly) warned us of the potential danger on top – and led us to a gruesome color photo tacked to his bulletin board of a foreign climber they found three weeks after he went missing. He had probably become lost in a sudden white out, just as we were, but tragically had fallen to his death. Lying in a jungle puddle his face was gone, totally rotted away.

    Indonesian Sunset

    I toughed out eighteen brutal hours by bus to beautiful Lake Toba, a large natural lake occupying the caldera of a supervolcano in the middle of the northern part of Sumatra, but was content to skip the overly commercialized Samosir Island in the center of the lake.  About 100 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, and up to 505 meters deep, Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world.

    My visa had run out, so my final days in Indonesia were spent basking in the quiet, local flavor of an obscure town far from all the tourists, where I enjoyed a fitting and wonderfully refreshing final evening – the sensual massage was like food to a starving man. She spoke not a word of English, but by then, I could ramble easily in the language. And like a bad habit, I was leaving again. But my last night in Indonesia simply added to the long list of outrageous experiences and fond memories, and a keen desire to return for more!

    Stay tuned for Asia-Pacific Tour: Malaysia and Singapore – coming soon!

    You can read more about Jim’s backstory,  here and here.

    Hallowbaloo Music, Arts & Craft Beer Festival 2017

    On Saturday, Oct. 28th, Honolulu’s Chinatown Arts District and historic downtown will once again transform into a spooktacular celebration of music, food, art, eclectic performance artists, street food, craft beer, burlesque and unbridled Halloween frivolity.

    It will feel like Oktoberfest with the largest open air craft beer event, where VIP ticket buyers will receive a free beer tasting, along with a special collector’s edition Hallowbaloo beer stein and priority access to bars with the stein, including skip the line access to participating clubs.

    For over 9 years Hallowbaloo has brought together over 40,000 people to celebrate the arts and celebration of Halloween.


    • Hawaii’s Largest Halloween Outdoor Craft Beer experience (buy a craft beer ticket to get 5 tastings of exclusive Craft Beers in our Craft Beer Street Festival arena, get our special Hallowbaloo collectors stein, includes priority access to bars with Stein and Vip entry to clubs)
    • 3 Stages of Music and entertainment
    • Food Trucks
    • $1000 Costume Contest

    and much much more!

    **Early bird tickets are sold out but you can still >> get tickets here


    Think Tech: Business in Hawaii with Reg Baker – Diving with Wounded Warriors

    It was so interesting to learn about Darren Fox and his International Diving Academy called Ocean Legends. Starting from nothing he has built a company that serves international clients and is opening additional locations in southern California and Florida (Tampa Bay area).

    They are the first and only dive company in the US that has been approved and certified by the VA for rebreather training and certification. What an accomplishment for a local company!!

    They offer a number of certifications such as recreational diving, commercial diving and movie production diving. If you ever thought about giving diving a try, they offer family rates and individualized courses. They have a dive boat to that allows for a wide variety of diving experiences for the entire family.

    For those that want a new career, you can get certified and trained to be a commercial dive. And if a veteran the VA will pay for it!

    Please watch the video to learn more and how easy it is to get started.

    Asia-Pacific Tour: Indonesia (Part One)


    Author’s Note: As a volunteer representing the International Division of the YMCA of the USA, I met with YMCA leaders throughout the Asia-Pacific region and the USA to help strengthen cooperation among YMCAs for technical, financial and human resource development. This is a series of highlights from two years (1986-88) of budget travel through 18 countries, including a half-dozen US States – hosted all along the way by national and local YMCAs – from Samoa, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, and Papua New Guinea, and continuing through Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, The Philippines, Hong Kong, China, Macau, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and then back to the USA.

    Source: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

    Canoeists silhouetted against the morning glow moved out into the river. Standing balanced, paddling their long wooden dugouts – the original paddle boarders!  A beautiful flight from the chilly highlands brought us to the border town of Wewak, on the northwest coast of Papua New Guinea (PNG) where we soaked up the welcome warmth of the sea.

    Tana Toraja, Sulawesi

    Traveling with my brother Dave, the boatman steered us up the Sepik River to the village of Kambot — famous for its carved Story Boards. Wild, flat country, dusty and dry, and fortunately not too many mosquitoes. Staying in the village was very peaceful — bathing in the river, and the villagers were warm and gentle.  But the food staple ‘sago’ — made from the pith inside the trunk of palm trees was a bit lacking in substance and flavor, to say the least!

    From Wewak, our plane arrived in Jayapura, the capital of the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya, where everyone on board promptly had their Indonesian visas canceled. Border disputes between Indonesia and PNG were common at the time, so my two-month Indonesian visa, obtained with considerable effort in the capital city of Port Moresby, was instantly reduced to three weeks – just to spite the PNG authorities. I was politely informed, however, that I could simply ‘buy lunch’ for an Indonesian immigration official anywhere along the way to have my two-month visa re-issued. Right…

    A Balinese Funeral Pyre

    But just one night in Indonesia, and the distinctive music, sweet-smelling clove cigarettes, pretty girls, good food, and cheap prices had us fired up for Asia! The Pacific is truly peaceful and beautifully simple, but the promise and excitement of Indonesia’s exotic cultural mix beckoned. My meeting with the Yogyakarta YMCA was not until the following week, so we set off to begin exploring some of Indonesia’s vast archipelago of roughly 18,000 islands.

    Flying from Jayapura to the bustling city of Ujung Pandang on the southern coast of Sulawesi, we headed north by bus to Tana Toraja — a scenic mountainous area known for its boat-shaped houses flanked by rice paddies, and elaborate funeral ceremonies. But the roads further north were really bad – entire buses seemed to disappear into the cavernous ruts. So we retreated to Bali for some beach time, swimming, good food, and a massage before Dave returned to the USA.

    Bali was much more touristic, but offered unique and fascinating expressions of culture at every turn including cremation ceremonies featuring enormous, elaborately carved pyres paraded through town and then burned. Food offerings are piled high and carried on women’s heads. Families often need time to raise the money for such elaborate rituals, so the deceased would be buried and then dug up later when sufficient funds were available.

    Climbing Mount Batur, Bali

    The countryside was spectacular and great for hiking, with rushing cascades and sweeping arcs of rice terraces carved into the greenest hillsides. I often came across women bathing openly – as is the custom, and this simply added to the naturally beautiful scenes. I climbed smoky Mount Batur, an active volcano that rises dramatically from within two concentric calderas and a large caldera lake, and then skied back down on one foot through the hot, fine ash using just one rubber thong (the other one had broken on the way up!)

    Reaching the base of the volcano, I entered one of the many naturally heated pools hidden in shallow caves at the edge of the lake – and came face to face with a young maiden who promptly invited me in to share her bath and a shampoo – and then led me back to her village for supper and a bed for the night in her family’s home-stay. No one in the family spoke English, but as I became more proficient in the Indonesian language, it was all becoming like something out of dream land.

    Bunaken Island, Sulawesi

    After two fruitless visits to a local Immigration Office – well dressed, practicing my language skills, and professing a keen appreciation of Indonesia and its people – I was told that if I returned the next day wearing closed-toe shoes, I would have my visa. Apparently, my Birkenstock sandals didn’t cut it, and the shoes in local shops were all too small for my big foreign feet. Fortunately, another traveler loaned me his shoes – and I had my two-month visa!

    Stay tuned for Asia-Pacific Tour: Indonesia (Part Two), coming soon!

    You can read more about Jim’s backstory,  here and here.

    Think Tech: Business in Hawaii with Reg Baker


    I was able to talk with Savan Patel of Infinium Interiors this week – A great success in a challenging industry!  

    A 15-year Navy veteran did the research and picked his industry.  The rest is history! Learn how he made his dream a reality.

    Fritz v. Department of Taxation, and Why You Should Care

    Over the past several months, there has been a court fight brewing that could have changed how the Department of Taxation lobbies for legislation.

    That’s right. Not only special interest groups and activists lobby for legislation. The Department does too.  Every year, it introduces and strongly supports “Administration Bills.”  Many of these propose to make the Department’s job easier, but at the expense of taxpayer rights.  So it’s important for taxpayers to keep tabs on how the Department is pushing these bills.

    One example of the above kind of bill was HB 2396 / SB 2925 in last year’s legislative session.  If a taxpayer files an amended federal income tax return or is adjusted by the IRS, current law allows an extra year for the Department to assess additional tax or for the taxpayer to claim a refund.  The bill provided that only the Department, and not the taxpayer, could take advantage of this “bonus time,” which is usually needed because tax audits take a while to conclude.  The Foundation was concerned that this legislation created a “one-way street,” or procedural trap, that could allow the State to retain money to which it was not entitled under law.

    Peter Fritz, an attorney who used to work for the Department, tried to get the Department to disclose the letters, texts, and emails sent to legislators in 2009.  “Can’t do,” the Department said.  “Work product paid for by taxpayers normally needs to be made public, but policy deliberations can be withheld, and these communications are in that category.”  Fritz didn’t agree, and asked the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) to rule on the matter.  OIP ruled in Fritz’s favor in 2011, ordering the Department to cough up the documents.  The Department complied.  But by the time it did so, it was years after the legislative session ended.

    In the 2016 legislative session, Fritz tried again.  The Department refused to provide documents relating to Administration Bills that it was then sponsoring, again relying upon the “deliberative process privilege” that the OIP had ruled in 2011 to be inapplicable.  “Gotta do a case by case determination,” the Department said.  Fritz filed suit.  In January 2017, well after the ending of the 2016 session, the Department “voluntarily disclosed” the documents, although explicitly saying that it “reserved any and all rights to withhold any other documents from disclosure on any and all grounds.”

    Those documents could have made a difference during session.  When SB 2925, described above, was heard by the Senate Ways and Means Committee, then-Chair Jill Tokuda and Majority Leader J. Kalani English were particularly interested in whether the bill was a solution in search of a problem.  When they pointedly asked the Department about it at the hearing, the Department representatives professed ignorance.  The records later turned over, however, clearly showed that the Department was reacting to a case involving only one taxpayer.  The legislation, by the way, ultimately died.

    In the lawsuit, Fritz asked the court to take positive steps so that the Department can’t again play cat-and-mouse.  The State, of course, maintained that once they turned over the documents, the suit can no longer exist because courts are there to decide actual controversies, not purely academic issues.  The circuit court judge agreed with the State, and the lawsuit will soon be dismissed.

    When the Department of Taxation states a position in a communication to the Legislature, the public is entitled to know what that position is.  This is especially important with a complicated subject like taxation, where the public relies heavily on guidance and interpretations put out by the Department.  (Other legislators do too.)  And it is critical to have a fully informed debate when the Department tries to coax legislators to change the law in a way that would make its job easier at the expense of taxpayer rights and protections.

    Windward Ho’olaule’a 2017

    KANEOHE— The 17th Annual Windward Ho‘olaule‘a, called “A Homegrown Celebration,” is set for Saturday, October 7, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the Great Lawn of the Windward Community College campus.

    But make no mistake—this is no backyard jam!

    Headliners this year include Merrie Monarch Award-winning hula from Chinky Mahoe and Na Hoku Hanohano winners Ho‘okena, Kawika Kahiapo, Kapena, and Jerry Santos and Kamuela Kimokeo. Also in the entertainment line-up are rising teen rock band EMKE, and a tribute to the legacy of Eldean Kukahiko’s Kahalu‘u Elementary School ‘Ukulele Band and much more!

    The free, family-friendly festival, co-sponsored by the Windward Community College and the Kaneohe Business Group, is expected to draw over 10,000 people islandwide. It will feature top island entertainment, award-winning hula, unique arts and crafts, ‘ono ethnic food, a classic car show by Clyde’s Auto Showcase, keiki rides and activities, gallery exhibit, Imaginarium show, a college-sponsored Silent Auction, college mini-workshops, and educational, cultural demonstrations and community displays.


    “Windward Ho‘olaule‘a is THE homegrown celebration that brings people together on our beautiful campus…with a full day of amazing island entertainment,” said event chair Bonnie Beatson. “We’re very grateful for the tremendous community support of this event highlighting the talent and businesses of the Windward side as well as the educational opportunities at Windward CC.”


    10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
10 a.m. start Opening by WCC Hawaiian Studies students
    10:15 a.m.  Kahalu‘u ‘Ukulele Band (up&coming ‘uke youngsters)
    11:15 p.m.     Air Force Pacific “Small Kine” Band
    12:15 p.m.    Pila Nahenahe / Hawaii Loa
    1:15 p.m.      Jerry Santos and Kamuela Kimokeo
    2:15 p.m.    Ka‘ala Carmack and Friends
    3:15 p.m.     Kawika Kahiapo
    4:15p.m.     EMKE (rising teen rock sensation)
    5:15 p.m.     Chinky Mahoe’s Hālau Hula o Kawaili‘ulā (Merrie Monarch award-winners!)
    6:15 p.m.     Ho‘okena
7:15 p.m.   Kapena


    In addition to live entertainment, there will be a special family-friendly fulldome show at the Imaginarium:

    11 a.m.  STARS (one show only!) Cost: $5 for all; Walk-in only; first-come, first-seated.

    GALLERY ‘IOLANI will be open from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. with Raku Ho‘olaule‘a, a juried exhibition of 37 potters and ceramic masters who participated in the Hawai‘i Craftsmen’s 41st annual Raku Ho‘oleule‘a at Camp Mokulē‘ia in May 2017.


    Among the WCC attractions celebrating higher education on the Windward side will be: Marine Option Program & PaCES gyotaku fish printing, facepainting by Phi Theta Kappa, math and engineering activities, a medicinal/nutritional plant sale by Botany Club members and tours to medicinal garden by Agripharmatech students, Veterinary Technology student activities for pet owners, rocketry activities for keiki, activities from Career & Community Education, Service-Learning, Lanuage Arts, and Theatre, and information about college and career planning.


    An ocean view hotel stay at the Double Tree by Hilton Alana Waikiki, deluxe Magic of Polynesia dinner show, mini-golf, performing arts theatre tickets, Hawaiian art, handmade quilts, fine jewelry, restaurant gift certificates at Buzz’s Steak House, Zia’s and more, golfing for four at the Mid Pacific Country Club, full body massages, permanent eyeliner tattoo and many great items donated by vendors at the Ho‘olaule‘a will be auctioned with proceeds going to Windward Community College’s Scholarship Endowment fund and for Student Affairs programs. Auction bid closing time is 5 p.m. at Hale ‘Ākoakoa. Check website for more info.

    ‘Ono food to taste include Uala Leaf Cafe, Uncle Lani’s Poi Mochi, Erin’s Shave Ice, Hawaiian plates, Olay’s Thai food, and Hawaiian Honey Cones, Papa‘Oles, Honolulu Burger Company, and Delice Crepes!


    The Kaneohe Neighborhood Board will provide information on disaster preparedness, especially for the hurricane season, and Walgreens will offer flu shots at the event once again this year (Walgreens asks that you bring insurance card). Windward Ho‘olaule‘a also partners with the Five Rs 96744 project, which promotes positive character building among K-12 students in the area. Key Project, Waimānalo Health Center, Ko‘olaupoko Hawaiian Civic Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Hawaii Job Corps, Hina Mauka, Hawaii Island Land Trust, Papahana Kua‘ola, Oahu Invasive Species, Hawaiian Women in Filmmaking,
    and many more community groups will be ready to share information.

    COMMUNITY SPONSORS (We couldn’t do it without them!)
    Sponsors of the event are the Hawaii Tourism Authority, along with flagship sponsors Hawaiian Electric Co., HD&C (formerly Ameron Hawaii), Kamehameha Schools and the Minami Foundation/Key Project. More sponsors include Hawaiian Memorial Park, Walgreens, First Hawaiian Bank, Enterprise Rent-a-Car Hawaii, Bank of Hawaii, Castle Medical Center, and Territorial Savings Bank.

    For more information, to donate to the Silent Auction or to get involved, go online to or contact Windward Ho‘olaule‘a chair Bonnie Beatson at 235-7374.

    East Oahu Chamber is Open for Business

    East Oahu Chamber is now open for business but not entirely new to the area.  Formerly known as the Hawaii Kai Chamber they have greatly expanded their footprint and has big plans. Listen to how these two very motivated ladies will make the East Oahu Chamber a household name.

    Reg Baker Appointed by Governor Ige to Small Business Review Board

    Governor Ige has appointed Reg Baker to the Hawaii Small Business Review Board, effective immediately. Please see appointment letter below.

    This state of Hawaii appointment, combined with my role on the federal SBA Regulatory Fairness Board will be powerful and allow me to work more effectively at helping small businesses with regulatory challenges at both the state and federal levels.

    There are many changes in the pipeline that impact small and mid-sized businesses (SMB’s) in Hawaii and the nation. Current changes being actively discussed include tax reform, healthcare (Obamacare reform) and the Jones Act. All of these could have a significant impact in Hawaii and throughout the country. Serving on these types of Regulatory Boards at both a federal and state level will allow the SMB voices from Hawaii be heard.

    I am very excited about this new opportunity and the benefits it can bring to Hawaii and the SMB community nationwide!