Thursday, September 5, 2024
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    Meet 8 Year Old Kaiya Mack with a Voice and a Mission to Raise $10,000 to Help Kids in Need!

    In December 2020, Kaiya Mack launched her first music video and single featured on Reggae Ville titled  “Last Christmas” the Reggae remix, where she has already raised over $5,000 for Ronald McDonald House charities and at the same time being featured alongside the likes of Reggae Superstar Shaggy on the Pandora Very Irie Christmas Reggae Playlist.

    Kaiya’s Goal is to raise $10,000 for Ronald Mc Donald House Charities and she is using BTS’s smash hit Dynamite as her rocket ship to help raise funds for other kids and families needing urgent medical attention. Kaiya was born with a rare birth defect called Gastroschisis where her intestines were outside of her body. Her family stayed at the Ronald McDonald House for the first four months of her life as she had many operations. Then the family stayed there again last year when she had another operation.

    Kaiya’s music has caught the attention of Soca Icon Machel Montano where his label Monk Records will be distributing her next single and music video Dynamite the Reggae Remix on Januaray 22, 2021. It was shot in Iconic Hawaii and produced by Reggae Grammy winner J Vibe. She hopes to inspire other kids like her and hit her goal of raising $10,000.

    Donations are being accepted at More information about Kaiya can be found at

    Money goes to the Ronald McDonald House chapters in Hawaii and the Bay area.

    She’s on social media as @iamkaiyamack on IG, TikTok, Youtube, Facebook.

    “We are thrilled to see Kaiya doing so well and grateful that she wants to donate a portion of her fundraiser to Ronald McDonald House Charities Hawaii. Her generosity will help us continue to provide a home-away-from-home and essential services for families staying at our Houses while their children get medical treatment on Oahu.”

    RMHC Hawaii President Jerri Chong

    MAGA Suppression Fosters Political Split


    I recall the night that Donald Trump was elected president. I was covering election night with a colleague, continually updating with the startling results as they came in.

    To my surprise, my normally benign colleague was pumping the air with his fists and his MAGA hat came out of nowhere.

    That is when it hit me as an “aha” moment.

    A lot of voters that supported Trump were people often denoted by the mainstream press as residents of “flyover” country. They were white working class men and women, people whose taxes were being used to bail out the banks during the recession while they lost their homes and land. They were farmers breaking under the strain of increasing competition from other countries. They were executives who resented their taxes being used for foreign aid and failed social programs. They were workers who perceived themselves as competing with undocumented workers for work. They were wealthy, educated people that held beliefs that were espoused by Trump, who could only talk amongst themselves for fear of retribution.

    Shortly after the election, people I knew proudly revealed they had voted for Trump, acknowledging each other and forming bubbles of support. Most were just glad. But some became radical supporters.

    A friend that used to silence me when I spoke of politics in groups has now become a member of some GOP groups. She espouses alt platforms on her social media to gain access to information from right-wing organizations that are banned in the usual social media. Once apolitical, she is chasing the info-dragon, searching online for more contact with the alt-right. Another acquaintance uses all his free time trolling the Internet to participate in chat groups and alt-right blogs and to gain more details of the alleged conspiracy to steal the election. Still another friend who is not politically right or left has expressed support for investigating the allegations of voter fraud and strong doubts about the judiciary throwing out all of Trump’s lawsuits.

    None of these people are stupid. They have never demonstrated racism to me. I don’t know what their thoughts are on the subject because it has never been up for discussion.

    What I do know is that since the siege at the United States Capitol last week, all of them have become more disenchanted with the media, the government, Congress and the attempts by Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Google to silence Trumpers.

    When Trump was elected the results showed a rising tide of emotion that translated into votes. Polls misled America into believing that Hillary Clinton would win because, it was theorized, many were uncomfortable expressing who they really supported. Even in an anonymous poll.

    Since he won, Trump supporters often bear their politics in public, pushing past doubters and waving their flags and their MAGA hats proudly in protest against the political correctness that dominated the pre-Trump era. Even in Honolulu, a bastion of Democratic politics, Trump supporters rally around the Capitol every weekend in caravan, waving flags and honking horns.

    And now, with Trump fading disgraced out of the White House, that political correctness has escalated to suppression on social media platforms and censorship. The book Turner’s Rebellion has even been removed from Amazon’s platform, fearing it will cause insurrection.

    It is clearly obvious that these outlets do not wish to be blamed if/when there is another siege, especially as control is being transferred from Republican to Democratic hands in the Executive and Legislative branches.

    When there is repression, there arises expression. It is the irony of life, one of those things.

    These mainstream attempts to suppress freedom of expression may have untold collateral damage as those who felt marginally disenfranchised before are feeling thoroughly disenfranchised now.

    The largely show-impeachment of Donald Trump for a second time has also marginalized a huge group of now-very active people who feel from the bottom of their souls, that the election was stolen from them.

    Freedom is the longing of the American soul. That is what we are all about. That includes freedom of expression – no matter how noxious it is – for all. When that freedom is denied, albeit by the marketplace in this case – Americans will find another way. Because the other hallmark of America is American ingenuity. We find solutions. And that is what is happening. New alt platforms are increasing daily.

    With it, the disparity amidst the conversation is growing more heated. The sides are hardening; not softening. The discourse is becoming more angry. The self-righteousness of both sides is escalating with the media and the Democrats assuming that they have a mandate to power.

    But power has always been intoxicating. Watch Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to see what it looks like when it’s at its peak. Arrogance is not pretty. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    By suppressing the voices of Americans who were already “flyovers” before Trump, the fallout could be unanticipated collateral damage that emerges as a new and more vitriolic group rises in its place; bitter, determined, self-righteous and armed with a new infusion of reactionary passion.

    Scrutinize the Big Agencies!

    There has been a lot of flip-flopping and waffling going on in government.  President Trump groused about, panned, and then finally signed a second stimulus package on Sunday, Dec. 27.  Then Gov. Ige, who previously decided to furlough public employees, put the furloughs on hold on Dec. 23 (after Congress passed the stimulus package but before President Trump signed it) knowing full well that there was nothing in the package with any designated funding for state and local governments.  The furloughs won’t start until some unspecified time in the future.  Or maybe the idea of furloughs will be scrapped.

    In the meantime, there is a very real concern about balancing the state budget.  There is a projected shortfall of $1.4 billion over each of the next four years.  The furloughs, representing roughly 10% of state payroll costs, were to save $300 million, or $0.3 billion, a year.

    There is still a lot of real estate between $0.3 billion and $1.4 billion a year, and we are already giving up on the $0.3?  “I know how hard state employees have been working during this difficult period and I realize how much distress this will cause our employees and their families,” Gov. Ige said when the furloughs were announced in early December.  But Governor, haven’t you seen the pandemonium at your Department of Labor?  Those of us in the private sector have been suffering.  Layoffs are at unprecedented levels.  Businesses have been shuttering.  At least when you are furloughed and suffer a day off without pay you will have a job tomorrow.  Not so if you have been laid off.

    On top of the layoffs, the Governor has asked individual departments and agencies to take budget cuts between 10% and 20%.  The big departments with broader public appeal, like the Departments of Education, Health, and Human Services, take the least pain.  The small departments that aren’t politically sexy, like the Department of Taxation, take the bigger hits.

    I suggest that this is exactly the opposite of what we need.

    If, for example, you put one big agency, such as the Department of Education with 25,000 employees, and a small agency, such as the Department of Taxation with 300 employees, side by side, you will probably find that there is more questionable spending in the bigger agency.  It’s easier to bury things in a bigger haystack. 

    We are not at all suggesting that teacher salaries be cut indiscriminately.  Far from it.  But a nonprofit like the Education Institute of Hawaii had to spend years and a lawsuit to get the DOE to release basic financial data for public-focused analysis (which analysis will probably have limited value because the data released is now several years old).  And the State Auditor recently tried to get DOE to give them answers about basic COVID-19 procedures and protocols, and loudly complained about the stonewalling it got.  With this evidence of lack of transparency, it is easy to think that there is unsavory financial information that has been and is still being hidden from legislators, the public, or both.

    And then, for the Department of Taxation, do the politicians appreciate that it brings in the lion’s share of the money that nearly all agencies need to survive?  Our tax laws are not simple.  People need the Department’s help to understand and comply with them.  And there are bad actors who wouldn’t mind skipping their tax payments if they think they can get away with it; for example, we just wrote about some landlords who were recently smoked out.  A 20% cut from that department means that there will be more confused taxpayers who won’t get help and more tax scofflaws who won’t get caught.  What good are budget cuts if the revenue doesn’t come in?

    Let’s put some work into finding those nonessential expenses, and maybe we can come up with a better solution.

    Trump Mob Takes Over the Capitol


    I was listening to speeches being made at the United States Senate during the tallying of the electoral college votes. Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) was speaking.

    Suddenly, he was whisked away mid-speech, without explanation, as lawmakers were herded away by officials.

    At first, amidst the confusion, I did not consider a connection between the protests going on outside the rotunda. It was unimaginable that those protestors would bring their mayhem into that dignified and historical place!

    And yet, video clearly shows protestors pushing riot police out of their way, forcing themselves into the entry and climbing their way into the capitol. Further, videos show scruffy-looking white men in camo sitting on the dias and making themselves at home in Speaker Pelosi’s office.

    It is reminiscent of a Third-World country.

    My soul cried from deep inside. This country – this last bastion of freedom – being undermined by a bitter mob trying to overturn an election.

    Four years ago, friends who know of my intense respect for the Constitution and our Founding Fathers, tried to persuade me to join them in the March on Washington movement. They knew that I had left a political party and become “Declines to State” because I do not want to tie my politics to the mercurial fabrications of trending politicians.

    I refused. I respected their feelings. Yet, to me, the peaceful transfer of power is the hallmark of our democracy. I could not take part in an effort to overturn an election, no matter how surprised I was at the result.

    Fact is, I disliked both candidates equally, four years ago and this time, as well. To me, our media and the cost of elections have created a situation that only the wealthiest, the loudest, the most connected, the most likely to be corrupt and indebted – can be elected. I do not believe that old Joe was the best of the bunch. In my view, he was the bottom of the barrel, but after 47 years of doing nothing, he finally had enough chits to call in and an opponent controversial enough that he finally made it. Time will tell, but it does look as if he is carrying a lot of baggage. Politicians who stay in one place gather a lot of moss; Joe Biden has been gathering moss for nearly five decades.

    This year, I watched as Trump supporters in huge caravans peacefully paraded through Waikiki each weekend, flags flying, music blaring. My friends in California sent me photos of the riots and vandalism that occurred there regularly. I watched through the summer as clashes became increasingly more violent across the country between BLM and Trump people.

    One woman was killed at the capitol today. (Circumstances surrounding her death, allegedly by gunshot, have not been released.) That is a tragedy! I lay her blood at the feet of the president and his minions.

    I could never have imagined this, which is why, when it happened, I experienced such a profound disconnect associating the protests outside with what was happening inside the capitol.

    First, the efforts to undermine the results of the election in the senate are only a show. There is no constitutional provision that allows the Senate to thwart the will of the people. Maybe Sen. Ted Cruz thinks he will find a place in Trump’s future plans or something, but his actions are little more than political theatre.

    He knew that. He also knew that tensions were high, the stakes were unpredictable. And yet, he went at it with his colleagues, though GOP leaders like Sen. Mitch McConnell asked them to refrain from stirring it up.

    The election results are certified by the STATES; not the legislature. Congress makes laws; they do not elect the president. We do. They do not have the constitutional authority to change the results of the election. They cannot overturn the certified results of the electoral college. Their only job is to receive the certified election results.

    That would be a banana republic.

    We, the people, cast our votes. We elected our president. The 39% Cruz alleged were unhappy with the results – does NOT amount to even close to 50% of the people as he claimed. Maybe he needs someone to show him a pie to illustrate 39%.

    And it is of no consequence. There have been numerous challenges that have been adjudicated over the course of the election to arrive at the confirmation of Joe Biden as president. Nothing has arisen to change that. Even if Trump were to somehow mythically get one state to reverse its certified results – which cannot happen – it would not change the winner. It would still be Biden.

    As I was driving, I listened as radio talk show host Sean Hannity was going at it amidst the violence, fomenting discontent, reiterating his concerns that there is a conspiracy that overturned the president’s victory. It’s crazy. Why wasn’t he saying that protestors should leave the capitol and obey the curfew? Why wasn’t he admonishing those who broke into our most sacred chambers of government?

    Traditionally, conservatives believe in lower taxes, states’ rights, local control, fiscal responsibility. This is not that. Billion dollar border walls, ignoring environmental concerns, QAnon, Proud Boys… This is what the Founding Fathers called the tyranny of the majority – whoever yells the loudest gets heard.

    I understand the frustration that some Americans felt when Trump was elected – and that finally, some said, they were heard after decades of increasingly liberal agendas. This is what it has wrought.

    At this writing, Trump’s twitter account has finally been suspended.

    Gaming on Hawaiian Homelands

    Recently, a sharply divided Hawaiian Homes Commission sent to Governor Ige a legislative proposal to allow limited casino gaming on Hawaiian homelands.

    As Civil Beat reported, commission chair William Aila put the proposal forward as a revenue opportunity at a time when government needs it badly.

    Both the Governor and legislative leaders, however, had expressed reluctance, in part because of possible unintended consequences.

    Four years ago, we wrote about those consequences.  They arise because of a federal law called the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, or IGRA.  President Ronald Reagan signed it into law on October 17, 1988, and, interestingly enough, the primary legislators involved in drafting it were Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, Representative and then (as of 1987) Senator John McCain of Arizona, and Representative Mo Udall of Arizona.

    The IGRA allows Indian tribes to conduct gaming operations in a State, even if the State doesn’t agree, under certain conditions.  Basically, you need to have an Indian tribe, Indian lands, and gambling that is permitted by the State.

    We now have neither Indians nor Indian lands here.  However, there’s nothing to prevent Native Americans headquartered elsewhere from packing their bags and moving here if the opportunity is right.  Indian lands usually means a reservation, but it could be any lands over which an Indian tribe exercises governmental power, so there is nothing to prevent any of the federally recognized Native American tribes from whipping out a checkbook, buying up some land, and then calling it tribal land.

    Once those elements are in place, the IGRA says that the State will need to allow casino gaming on tribal lands if it allows casino gaming anywhere else.  Those are the rules for what the IGRA calls “Class III gaming.”  Thus, if the Hawaiian Homes Commission is successful in getting our lawmakers to legalize casino gaming in Kapolei, casino gaming will be allowed in other locations in Hawaii for Indians on Indian lands. 

    There will be some temporary hurdles.  A tribal ordinance permitting the gaming needs to be approved by the National Indian Gaming Commission, which shouldn’t be tough for a tribe that already conducts Class III gaming in another state.  Finally, either the state and the tribe need to negotiate a compact, or deal, or the Department of the Interior needs to approve regulatory procedures over the gaming.  In other words, if the tribe and the State don’t agree to a deal the Department of the Interior can shove one down the State’s throat.

    And here is the kicker.  The IGRA also provides that States are not allowed to levy taxes or fees on tribal gambling, unless specifically allowed in the compact.  Thus, not only can an Indian tribe come to Hawaii to conduct casino gambling, but it might be able to conduct the gambling free of State tax.  Here, that could be a tremendous competitive advantage over the proposed DHHL casino, where its legislative proposal specifically provides for a forty-five per cent (45%) tax on gross gaming revenues.  And that may be on top of the familiar Hawaii GET, no exemption for which is provided in DHHL’s proposal.

    The reason none of this has happened yet in Hawaii is simple.  Hawaii has not allowed any form of gambling so far.  So, under the IGRA, not even Class II gaming (bingo games and similar) is allowed in Hawaii.

    All of that being said, are we in Hawaii ready for Class III gaming and the consequences that may well ensue from them?

    The Rich Get Richer; the Rest of Us Hang on $600 Handouts

    Watching the Sunday news program can sometimes actually be an education. What a surprise to hear a Republican Representative state that Americans don’t need a stimulus check!

    I cannot imagine what world he was living in.

    Perhaps it is because the gap between the haves and the have-nots has become so wide here in Hawaii that we who live on the have-not side of the gulf cannot see how, under the present circumstances, one could emerge into the light again.

    The Republican senate will only grant an insulting token $600 in aid to Americans across the country – Americans who have been forced to stand down from the most basic pursuit to put food on the table and a roof over the heads of our families – through no fault of our own. We have been literally prohibited from making a living because, simply, it might kill us.

    In fact, despite all of the sacrifices – it is still killing one in every 1,000 Americans. One person is dying from Covid every minute in some segments of the country.

    In California, the mecca of good health and healthy living, even the most prestigious of hospitals is being overwhelmed with Covid cases. Soon, Los Angeles health care workers will begin to triage patients, rationing health care.

    This is so, despite the fact that people sacrificed their jobs and their livelihoods, put their families at risk of homelessness, accrued months of overdue bills and rents – in short, sacrificed everything to prevent just this scenario.

    Recall, when the virus first hit the US, that what was important was to “flatten the curve” to allow time for hospitals to gear up for a surge. It would enable the production and storage of PPE, makeshift overflow units, time to find a cure or a treatment and time to produce a vaccination.

    Some medications have been found that are successful in treating some cases; PPEs have been stockpiled, though not enough; ventilators were built and stockpiled – and then rejected as a death sentence; and overflows were planned, built and dismantled. And now we have vaccinations, but they are moving out too slowly, as the timing is critical to saving any businesses that have managed to survive until now.

    But over time, lockdown shifted to becoming the preferred method of control, bulldozing every small business, restaurant and independent contractor in its path. Politicians saw it as the only way to stop the negative press. But the press continues to be negative, the surge continues, people are dying anyhow and business is out of business.

    Unless you are a big box store…

    Today, with the national surge in cases and attendant shut-downs, small businesses are closing at a rate probably paralleling the Great Depression and surpassing the Great Recession.

    In Hawaii, these are iconic businesses that have served the public for decades, like Likelike Drive In. They will never return. In their places, most likely, will be the same ubiquitous chain businesses that have survived on the Mainland, removing yet another layer of the uniquely Hawaiian landscape we recognize and love.

    We haven’t even seen the second wave yet; and we are on the verge of reverting back to a Tier 1 closure that would be economically catastrophic.

    In 2019 the Hawaii Tourism Authority budget was $79 million. In 2020, the state of Hawaii borrowed $1 billion from the US treasury, just for unemployment.

    That begs the question: Where did all the taxpayer dollars go?

    With taxes this high, people living three and four generations to a house with everyone working full-time – and many who do not own a vehicle – this is a puzzle.

    Many are forced to sell their homes because their taxes exceed their ability to pay them.

    Yet, the City and County of Honolulu has never updated the software and computers that run the unemployment office. The Department of Permitting and Planning cannot approve projects online – or even, approve them in a linear, predictable, timely manner; the Department of Parks and Recreation has no set schedule for maintenance for our parks; neither does the Department of Transportation for our streets.

    When Covid hit, failures in government were brought to light. How is that the government can be raking in so much money? With only 1.2 million residents, services should be excellent. But nothing ever got fixed.

    Why are we not running the most efficient city in the US?

    Republicans in the Senate should recognize that the Trump revolution is a failure of leadership. As we hunker down once again to the covid virus and our economy disintegrates, only the wealthiest grow wealthier. The gap widens.

    For some, homelessness is a choice. For some, welfare is a generational state of being and the only thing they know. Those statistics remain stable.

    But it is us, the Americans who have small businesses, who are normally employed by those businesses, the independent contractors and entrepreneurs, who have literally lost everything.

    We did nothing to deserve this condition. We resigned to it to address the covid virus… But our politicians continue to extract more blood until we are bloodless, with less and less support for the millions of us who have no recourse, no way to pay the bills.

    How long will it take for Americans to recover from the hit to our credit scores? To regain our place in the job markets? To recover from the unevenness of our family economies?

    How many families have dissolved in despair, turned to substances, encountered domestic abuse and child-care gaps? How many kids have missed critical experiences in learning, both socially and academically? How many universities will be able to recover?

    We learned nothing from the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. We repeated the same pattern with the same results, despite the fact that we have a century of medical breakthroughs they did not have. We are as vague and disassembled as Europe was in the 1500s amidst the deadly “sweating sickness.”

    Worse yet, we are discovering that even though many who have contracted the disease had little or no symptoms, the virus goes on to ravage the body for months. Symptoms with onset weeks or months after the virus concludes include numbness, forgetfulness, paranoid and schizophrenic delusions and other issues brought on apparently as the body’s immune system continues to attack the virus in the brain.

    Yes. We need every dime of relief. It is going out there to all the big agencies, but little of it is going to the public. If every man, woman and child got $20,000 each, there would still be plenty left over to deal with the virus.

    On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked the vote to raise the stimulus to $2,000. Again.

    Collective Bargaining Agreement: Supreme Law of the Land?

    The path leading to how to fix our battered economy has taken some crazy twists and turns.

    Governor Ige, first, announced that he will furlough all state workers for two days a month to chop down the expenses required in state government.

    The government employee unions cried foul, saying that the collective bargaining agreements and the laws empowering them prevent such a thing without the unions agreeing to them at the bargaining table.

    The Governor, however, in his Emergency Proclamations, most recently the Sixteenth, suspended the collective bargaining laws.  Those proclamations suspend all of chapter 89, HRS.  They say, “The following specific provisions of law are suspended, as allowed by federal law … Chapter 89, HRS, collective bargaining in public employment.”

    The unions, however, got the Hawaii Labor Relations Board to rule, on July 20, that the emergency proclamations did not suspend chapter 89 in its entirety, despite the language the proclamation uses.  At least one union hailed the ruling, although it does not seem to have been written.

    So, this looks like a mess.  What is the actual law here, the collective bargaining agreement or the suspension of the collective bargaining law?

    Recently, the Hawaii Labor Relations Board seems to have walked back its position.  In a written order filed in September in a case involving HSTA, the Board ruled that it did not have the authority to interpret HRS Chapter 127A, the statute giving governors and mayors emergency powers, or emergency proclamations.  “The Board does not take a position on whether or not any portion of any Emergency Proclamation suspends any part of HRS Chapter 89, as the Board does not have jurisdiction to consider such a question,” it wrote.

    It turns out that most courts can’t weigh in on that question either.  HRS section 127A-27 says that only a three-person panel of Circuit Court judges can decide that the emergency powers statutes or emergency proclamations made under them are partly or wholly invalid, for whatever reason including unconstitutionality.  The law also says that the three-judge court is supposed to decide the matter very quickly—after all, we are in an emergency situation.

    The Hawaii Labor Relations Board or any other government agency, therefore, would be acting beyond its proverbial pay grade if it tries to sweep aside the broad language in the emergency proclamation. 

    If the unions want to prove that fouls occurred, namely violations of the collective bargaining law, as they claim, they need to go to a three-judge court to show that the collective bargaining law in fact has not been suspended. 

    Or the Administration could go before the courts and get a judgment saying that its suspension of the collective bargaining laws is valid, so the unions and Hawaii Labor Relations Board had better back off.

    If there continues to be uncertainty, then government leaders need to preserve “other options,” and we know what that means.  Senate President Ron Kouchi told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that “we’re preparing to try to find solutions that wouldn’t involve the furloughs because of the possibility that we wouldn’t prevail in a court case,” he said.  Which means that tax increases need to be on the table.

    And then, of course, Governor Ige told Civil Beat that he was also contemplating some tax increase proposals “just to make everything work.”

    Could we get some clarity, quick, on whether this Chapter 89 suspension is valid, so the fight over the furlough options can be decided quickly before we taxpayers are caught in the crossfire?

    We the People Have No Representative Government

    It has come to this. We, the American people, no longer have a true representative form of government. We are now saddled with an assembly of people, elected to office, who simply do not understand the US constitution, its mandates, its limits, its requirements, its obligations. Our government – wholly unrecognizable from that the Constitution lays out simply does not represent the people. Period.

    While we may currently have a President, who has tried his hardest to stand for the American everyman instead of the special interests, the potentates, and the oligarchs, we have a Congress that immediately forgets that their sole role is to represent their constituents and their states the microsecond after they are elected to office.

    While we have a President, who has done more to give relief to the American everyman, we have nine cowards on the US Supreme Court who have abdicated their obligation to the US Constitution and, instead, have made ducking their responsibilities, inventing ways to never have to rule on questions of constitutionality, an award-winning art.

    The last straw for the Judicial Branch – and I say again that they are a bunch of sniveling cowards and should serve as the catalyst for intense, rapid, and abrupt change in government at the federal level, the last straw came in their scheduling a constitutional argument related to the 2020 General Election results for after the inauguration.

    “The justices this week set a reply deadline for Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and the other respondents named in the case of Jan. 22. The campaign had asked for the Supreme Court to order those on the other side of the litigation to respond by Wednesday and have reply briefs from the Trump campaign submitted by Thursday. It also asked the court to rule by Jan. 6. But the court did not oblige,” it was reported.

    “This means that by the time Boockvar and the others the Trump campaign is seeking to take to the Supreme Court even respond to the petition, President-elect Joe Biden will already be sworn in… At that point, the court could simply decline to hear the case, saying it is moot or impossible for them to resolve at that point.”

    To put it into layman’s terms, the US Supreme Court has decided the election without issuing a ruling. They have raised a gigantic, arrogant, cowardly middle finger to the people of the United States…for a second time.

    So, please, answer me this question. If we have a federal government that does not serve the people it was created to serve, why do we even have a federal government?

    The Congress does not serve the people. Even as the people lose their jobs and businesses because of fake pandemic, Congress doles out $2.1 trillion to foreign entities and gives each taxpayer $600 of our own tax money back. That’s serving the people?

    The US Supreme Court – as well as all the useless federal district courts and appeals courts, refuse to rule constitutionally on matters directly related to the survival of the Republic – if they rule at all, and that is supposed to be serving the public or having fidelity to the US Constitution?

    We are a Union of 50 states, with 50 state constitutions that are sovereign. As it stands, we, effectively, have no federal government that represents the people.

    Now that this is self-evident, we should revisit the words of our Founders:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    Don’t Give Me Back Rent, I Want to Continue Hiding from Tax

    Developments during this COVID crisis have brought out tax scofflaws in some of the most unexpected ways.

    The state has established a Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program to help people affected by the pandemic make their rent or mortgage payments.

    Affected people who are making less than 100% of Area Median Income (for a family of four, from $83,300 on the Big Island to $125,900 on Oahu) can apply for help, and if their application is approved the State will pay their landlords or lenders directly.

    There is, however, a small catch.  Some landlords are refusing the money.  Which makes one wonder about what is going to happen to the tenant once the State’s moratorium on evictions expires at the end of the year.

    Why are they refusing the money?  In a Honolulu Star-Advertiser article, Gavin Thornton, the executive director of the Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice and a member of the House Select Committee on COVID-19 Economic and Financial Preparedness, said:

    [S]ome of the landlords are unwilling to participate in the program, unwilling to sign off to receive the payments — allegedly because they don’t have their GE [general excise tax] licenses. They’re not paying their taxes on that rental income.  So that’s potentially a problem that could prevent tenants who otherwise are eligible for the program, not receiving those funds that they really need.  So we’re hoping very much that those tenants somehow, some way, will ultimately be able to access those resources.

    How much is being refused?  According to the article, eight million dollars.  With a back rent amount per application of between $4,400 and $6,000, we are talking about perhaps 1,500 to 1,700 landlords in this position.

    I have no sympathy at all for those landlords who apparently want to continue flying under the radar.  General Excise Tax has applied to rents from the very beginning.  It’s clearly covered in documentation the Territorial tax department prepared in 1935.  Even my father paid general excise tax on rental income back in the old days – at a time when I was too young for kindergarten and was in no position to tell him to do that.  He figured out what the law was and followed it.  Why haven’t these folks done the same thing?

    My advice to these landlords is to come clean, now.  There will be pain, which you deserve.  But there will be more pain if you wait.  Now that the Department of Taxation has figured out that there’s a swamp here, it won’t take them long for them to come back with the dredging equipment.

    The same message applies to those who are receiving money from short-term vacation rentals.  You need to pay tax like the rest of us.  And by the way, the State is already aware of this swamp and has mobilized the dredgers.  They have been pumping the vacation rental platforms and property management companies for information about who their clients are and how much they get paid.  The State can, and did, subpoena the information so the companies don’t have a choice but to provide that information.

    To recap:  If you are in the swamp, please come clean.  It isn’t fair for the rest of us who do follow the laws and pay taxes to be forced to make up for the tax you owe and haven’t paid.  Then please accept the money the State is willing to pay you, which should help alleviate the financial pain of making up for the years you haven’t paid, and please don’t fault the tenant for applying for aid and incidentally exposing you in the process.

    Will the COVID-19 Pandemic End the Breast Cancer Pandemic?



    Sydney Ross Singer
    Medical Anthropologist
    Director, Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease 

    Many diseases are caused by our culture, and are reinforced by habit, custom, and unspoken social pressures. To prevent these lifestyle, or culturogenic diseases, we need to radically change our way of life. And it usually takes some cultural crisis to make this type of fundamental change possible. 

    One disease which is largely culture-caused is breast cancer. The primary cultural factor causing this disease is the excessive wearing if tight bras daily. While this is an inconvenient truth for a bra-using culture which has been ignoring the harmful impacts of bras on breast health, dozens of studies internationally now confirm that bras are a leading cause of breast cancer. (For a list of references see my website, and my book, Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, Second Edition (2018) Square One Publishers, NY.)

    This means that, in order to end the breast cancer pandemic, we need to end the harmful use of bras. However, given the entrenchment of bras in modern culture, it would take an unprecedented cultural shift to allow women the opportunity to end their habit of using bras. 

    Enter COVID-19. 

    COVID-19 has unleashed a world of changes which are still unfolding. And one positive outcome will be a reduction in breast cancer incidence, particularly in cultures practicing lock downs and social isolation. 

    As a result of staying and working at home, some women have realized that they can avoid wearing bras. Most women can’t wait to get home from work to take off their bra. Most women find bras uncomfortable. Working at home means you never need to don the darn thing in the first place. 

    Media banter over this breast liberation from bras has been mostly positive, encouraging comfort over all else. See, for example, Harpers Bazaar’s article, But Will We Ever Wear Bras Again? Of course, there are still bra industry shills who continue shaming women for being natural. But women can feel the difference for themselves while being bra-free, in the comfort of their own homes. Which means the bra industry is in trouble. 

    Women have been trending away from the bra for the past several years, and new laws have made it clear that women cannot be forced to wear bras at work. See the article, Bra-Free at Work: Ending Sexist and Illegal Dress Codes. For women working at home due to COVID, there is even less pressure to wear bras. 

    This means the incidence of breast pain, cysts, and cancer will decline since bra usage is the leading cause of all of these problems. 

    The problem with bras is that they are designed to change breast shape for fashion reasons, and this requires constant tension and pressure from the bra. This pressure impairs the lymphatic circulation in the breasts, which is the circulatory pathway of the immune system. This causes lymph stasis and chronic breast lymphedema, and prevents effective immune defense against developing cancer cells. It also prevents the effective cleansing of the breasts of cellular waste, debris, chemical toxins, and the damage caused by trauma and radiation (such as mammograms). See the article, How Bras Cause Lymph Stasis and Breast Cancer

    Essentially, tight bras worn for long periods of time daily cause chronic lymphedema and toxin accumulation in the breasts, with resulting pain and cysts. Over time, this can lead to cancer. In fact, from our research, bra-free women have about the same risk of breast cancer as men, while the longer and tighter the bra is worn the higher the risk rises, to over 100 times higher for a 24/7 bra user compared to a bra-free woman. 

    Note that if a bra leaves marks or indentations in the skin, then it is too tight and is causing damage. 

    Given these harms caused by bras, what will women experience during their social isolation as they stop wearing bras? The answer is improved breast health and reduced cancer risk. 

    We now have preliminary results from the ongoing International Bra-Free Study, which we have been conducting since 2018. The study is online and currently involves over 1000 women, from over 36 countries, who have stopped wearing bras and are reporting their experiences. We have reported on these amazing results in our report, Bras Cause More Than Breast Cancer: Preliminary Results of the International Bra-Free Study. Here are some key point

    Women who had been experiencing breast pain and cysts found complete or near-complete recovery within a month of being bra-free. 

    Virtually every woman who stopped wearing bras reported that she can breathe easier without a bra. Clearly, having a tight band around the chest restricts rib expansion and movement. This means being bra-free can help if anyone develops a respiratory problem, even from COVID-19. 

    Some women reported improved digestion without a bra. Others reported improved menstrual cycle regularity. 

    Many women reported that their breasts lifted and toned after ending bra usage. Once the breasts are free from bras, the natural suspensory ligaments are allowed to bear weight and regain strength. Ligaments weaken under artificial support. This means that bras actually cause breasts to droop and breast ligaments to weaken. Becoming bra-free can reverse this, especially in pre-menopuasal women. 

    Large-breasted women reported that their back and neck pain were gone once they stopped wearing bras. Lifting large, heavy breasts with a bra causes harmful pressure to the shoulders, and creates deep shoulder grooves. This pressure impinges on nerves leading to numbness, tingling and pain in the hands. 

    Most importantly, the women in this study are expected, over the years, to have reduced breast cancer incidence. We also expect that the millions of women who are currently bra-free at home will also experience this reduction in breast cancer risk. 

    This means that we should expect a profound drop in new breast cancer cases over the next decade, as women become free of the bra. 

    Each year, breast cancer kills between 40,000 and 50,000 women in the U.S. alone. Over 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Add to that hundreds of millions of women worldwide who suffer from breast pain and cysts due to tight bras, and the human toll of this sexist/fetish garment will be more apparent. Add to that the reduced breathing, discomfort, insecurities, and shaming that go along with the bra culture, and it makes you wonder why bras haven’t been trash-canned long ago. 

    Sometimes it takes just one drastic change in culture to allow other parts of the culture to change, too. In this case, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting social isolation and quarantines, could mark the beginning of the end of the breast cancer pandemic.