Are You a No-Know?

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“Dick Rowland Image”

Do you oppose all new taxes, believing that government costs/services etc. should be reduced instead?

Do you know that you can help vote out of office all elected leaders that take the easy way out and vote to raise taxes?

If you said yes to both, you are a No-Know. Achievement of a hustling, bustling, job forming, prosperous Hawaii requires that the No-Knows prevail. All must express intolerance for government sanctioned theft — often, loudly, boldly and persistently.

Speak up No-Knows! Otherwise the guilty will never know that you know about their conviction that your money is their money.

”’Richard O. Rowland is president of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii. He can be reached via email at or by phone at (808) 487-4959. More information about the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii can be found at its Web site at”’

