Arpaio Investigation Brings Up Compelling Questions About Obama’s Birth Certificate and Eligibility

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BY MICHAEL P. RETHMAN – The tough economic times of late 2008 produced an once-in-a-generation leadership opportunity that a talented, attractive and multi-ethnic young president might have exploited to achieve good things for all Americans.

Unfortunately, President Obama has shown over three-plus years that he’s not that leader – unless killing Osama bin Laden is somehow all that matters. Indeed, in light of a record replete with domestic and international fumbles, including a budget deficit driven to unimagined levels and persistently high rates of unemployment/underemployment, Obama ought to be soundly defeated in November.

However, with so many Americans now feeding at the government trough, his defeat is far from a sure thing.

But still lurking in the media shadows is a compelling constitutional question that won’t leave Barack Obama alone.  Obama’s long-form birth certificate, released by the White House amid great fanfare last spring, was recently and very publicly derided by a the nationally known Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County (Phoenix) Arizona.

Finally, after four years of media-abetted obfuscation of Obama’s ever-changing documents, someone in authority is finally willing put his reputation on the line and publicly raise questions that should have been unambiguously answered years ago.

Ironically, a revival of this political sideshow may be what derails the Obama re-election effort in November.  Here’s why:  Obama’s self-touted long-form birth certificate, forced into the public arena by then-candidate Donald Trump last spring, was almost immediately exposed as a simplistic cut-and-paste construct — yet this story has gone ignored for almost a year.

Indeed, an Adobe Illustrator pro and video game writer in Atlanta, who goes by the YouTube handle orangegold1, downloaded the document from and quickly exposed it as fraudulent.  Orangegold1’s initial 7-minute YouTube video depicts a step-by-step forensic deconstruction of the document.  This video has had nearly 1.3 million hits thus far and its detractors’ criticisms have been thoroughly answered in Orangegold1’s follow-up videos.

So will legitimate concerns regarding the latest versions Obama’s birth documentation continue to go unknown to most Americans?  Unfortunately, it’s hard to count on reporters and editors in the so-called elite American media to ask the right questions.

Indeed, the Arpaio investigation has been widely reported in other countries, but so far the story has been covered domestically only by the Washington Times and World Net Daily.

But should the story behind Arpaio’s investigation eventually gain media traction in the U.S., Barack Obama’s re-election campaign could be in serious trouble.



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Michael P Rethman DDS, MS is a Translational Research and Marketing Consulting, a Diplomate: American Board of Periodontology, Vice-president (Scientific Research), American Dental Association Foundation, Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, University of Maryland, Former Chair: Council on Scientific Affairs, American Dental Association, the Past-President: American Academy of Periodontology, Past-Director: U.S. Army Institute of Dental Research and Former Chair: The Columbia Association. He lives in Kaneohe.


  1. lol, thanks for the laugh.

    The thing about the Hawaii Reporter is that even you get a voice here.


  2. Barack Hussein Obama II, illegal president, was born August 4, 1961 at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya and NOT in Hawaii as he claims. This may explain why he allowed release of only a highly-questionable, computer-generated abstract of his purported birth certificate on the official White House website in April 2011. Furthermore, he authorized this release only after ignoring countless requests by concerned citizens to make the document available for nearly three years….

    A high resolution copy of the authentic KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE of Barack Obama is available for free download at

    Lucas Daniel Smith obtained a certified copy of Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate directly from the birth hospital on February 19, 2009. His amazing story is told in a VIDEO that is also available for viewing at the same website.

  3. I can’t comment intelligently on the supposed Kenyan documents, although nothing would surprise me about O’s provenance. David’s comment I find all-too-typical coming from the left and/or O’s apologists, namely refusing to consider thoughtful arguments raised by those with whom one disagrees and instead dismissing them outright. This is right out of the Alinsky playbook. I’d appreciate a more thoughtful engagement. I’d be happy to admit my suspicions are wrong, once shown to be so by facts. The problem with Obama’s story is that the more facts we get, it’s hard to avoid even greater concern about the veracity of his tale. So, David: What did you think about Orangegold1’s vid? And his followup vids that answered the critics of his analysis?

  4. This article is just another distraction from the one issue Obama cannot escape.
    The April 2011 birth certificate proved paternity to Barack H. Obama Sr. and soon as you accept that fact the sooner you face the truth.

    Barack H. Obama II, was not properly vetted as a presidential candidate in 2008.
    He was born by direct-blood relation to a British citizen, and thus was born a dual UK/US citizen, not a natural born citizen.
    Wake up America!
    There can only be one person considered as natural born citizen in the US and it is the President, except Obama fails to meet NBC status, as he was never “native born of two US Citizen parents.”
    He is not eligible, and cannot be made eligible, to be in a presidential election. Obama, is a US Citizen, and can vote and be a US Senator, judge, mayor, sheriff, but not President.
    He is a sitting president, not eligible. de facto not de jure.
    He is about to get reelected and set historical precedent that a person born as mixed national can be in a presidential election.
    Wake up America and read the Declaration of Independence, because to reelect Obama and not immediately remove him from office is harming the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.
    If you cannot see it happening, then you are in denial and ignorant. Get educated and don’t vote for Obama. Get him out of the election 3 USC 19

  5. I’d like to comment on one specific subject..the authenticity of the long form birth certificate presented to the media by President Obama as the definitive response to questions about his legal birth place. I have reviewed the actual photographic evidence being discussed on this document. I am also an Adobe-trained expert in Photoshop, the mainstream image editing technology. In my opinion the document contains multiple, tell-tale image editing artifacts that would indicate that it was digitally constructed and is not a simple scan of a real document.

    To summarily dismiss Arpaio or anyone else who wants a thorough examination of the image of this birth certificate as a conspiracy nut or birther would be very short sighted. The evidence is substantial, and deserves to be openly evaluated without attempts to shout it down or ridicule those who would like legitimate questions answered. Look at the actual evidence before you make any uninformed pronouncements.

    • Keith,
      I support your opinion, but feel the attention on the digital layers in a PDF is a distraction from Obama Sr’s citizenship and the direct-blood relation that makes Obama Jr, a dual-UK/US citizen at birth. Certainly a Kenya birth would be a slam-dunk, but Kenya holds the evidence, if any exists.

      Read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
      How did a direct-blood descendant of a British person get into the 2008 presidential election and get elected?
      If Obama had been white, then would there have been any sensationalism?
      He was the first black man to get into a POTUS race, but he failed constitutional eligibility, and all non-birthers (media) ignored the facts and pushed Obama through.
      Now, nobody wants to be responsible for the Biggest Mistake Ever Made, not even Obama.

    • Keith,
      You say “I have reviewed the actual photographic evidence being discussed on this document.”

      But, what you did was analyze a virtual image on your computer. Turn off the computer and try again.

      • Both Lingle and Abercrombie have blocked public access to the “actual” document. So, all we have to analyze are the images presented by Obama as the real document.

  6. My point is not so much about the crisis created by the 2008 election as it is about how his reelection will impact our future. Obama was born the son of an alien and a citizen, yet he became a US president.
    I’ve studied the constitutional eligibility and history of our presidents and Chester A Arthur and Obama break the two-parent trend. I’ve chatted with Obama supporters who don’t understand why the constitution should matter.
    The 2016, 2020 and future elections will be challenged by persons born as dual citizens.

  7. The question of whether Obama is a “natural born citizen” goes farther than just being born in the United States, which is silverbull8’s observation with which I agree. The reason I believe that the problematical document touted by Obama himself as his birth certificate may be more important, is that the legalistic arguments regarding the who is a “natural born citizen” are just that, namely legalistic arguments — regardless of their theoretical import. Understand, it’s not that these are unimportant, but they are not likely to gain much traction in the election year of 2012. OTOH, if Obama is widely as touting a fraudulent document, it’s possible that more than a few Americans who might be supporters will either change their votes or hold their noses and simply stay home. We very much need to be rid of this guy, no matter what his provenance… I care less about whether or not he’s a usurper, a lot more about whether or not he’s in the White House a year from now. I believe you and others should too, which is why I wrote this op-ed.

  8. Obama needs more than a shadow of doubt above his head, he needs a dark cloud of guilt.
    Obama II is not eligible by one generation separation from Obama Sr.

    NOTE: There are two pathways to US citizenship, naturalization and birth. And there are two sub-paths by birth to US citizenship, birth to one US citizen parent (US citizen) or birth to two US citizens (natural born citizen).

  9. Silverbull8, you get no argument from me on this, how does it get traction? I think the Arpaio undertaking may generate traction that paints this guy more obviously for what he is, namely a prevaricator who, btw, is a horrible president. Cheers!

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