As Flossie Strikes the time to Get Prepared is Now

Tropical Storm Flossie
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Tropical Storm Flossie

Flossie has changed direction but with winds extending 105 miles from center it will have a wide reach when it crosses Hilo and Maui. As the storm threatens with high winds and heavy rains State Farm has claim handlers on site and ready to respond. Customers impacted by the storm are encouraged to contact their local agent or call 1-800-SF-Claim as soon as possible.

“Safety is top priority,” said Brad Hilliard State Farm Spokesperson. “Make sure your family is safe, use the community resources that are available and call us so we can help you get the claim process started.”

Protect your Family and Property from Flossie with These Simple Steps:

    • Listen to news reports, follow the instructions of emergency workers and plan an escape route for your family.
    • Move garbage cans and outdoor furniture inside and secure your boat and cars.
    • Inventory your personal property by taking digital photos of each room. This will help if you need to fill out a list of damaged items: Home Inventory Checklist
    • Be sure to take essential supplies with you like medications, important documents and a disaster kit.
    • ONLY when it is safe to return to your home take the time to inspect your property for damage and make any necessary temporary repairs to protect your property from further damage.
    • Contact your insurance agent as soon as possible for information about filing a claim.

Submitted by Brad Hilliard for State Farm Insurance

