Assets School Certified as a Common Sense School

Assets School
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Assets School

HONOLULU – Common Sense Media, the national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of digital media and technology, has certified Assets School as a Common Sense School for educating its students to be safe, smart, and ethical digital citizens.  Assets is the first school in the state of Hawaii to receive this certification.

Assets School has demonstrated its commitment to taking a whole-community approach to preparing its students to use the immense power of digital media to explore, create, connect, and learn, while limiting the perils that exist in the online realm, such as plagiarism, loss of privacy, and cyberbullying.

“We applaud Assets School for embracing digital citizenship as an important part of their students’ education,” said Rebecca Randall, vice president of education programs for Common Sense Media. “Assets School deserves high praise for giving its students the foundational skills they need to compete and succeed in the 21st-century workplace and participate ethically in society at large.”

Assets School has been using Common Sense Media’s innovative and research-based digital literacy and citizenship resources, which were created in collaboration with Dr. Howard Gardner of the GoodPlay Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The resources teach students, educators, and parents tangible skills related to Internet safety, protecting online reputation and personal privacy, what to share and what not to share, managing online relationships, and respecting creative copyright. The free resources are currently used in more than 65,000 classrooms nationwide.

“We’re honored to be recognized as a Common Sense School,” said Paul Singer, Head of Assets School. “By preparing our students to use technology safely and responsibly, we are providing them unlimited opportunities to maximize and personalize their learning.”

For more information about Assets School, go to To learn more about the criteria Assets School had to meet to become certified as a Common Sense School, visit

About Assets School

Assets School has been transforming students’ lives since its inception in 1955. The vision of Assets is to create a community in which all children thrive and realize their own potential, so that society benefits from their unique talents and abilities.  Assets provides premier educational services to gifted and dyslexic children by providing model, integrated learning environments and professional outreach programs. Committed to “learning that transforms lives,” Assets is guided by a mission to sustain a supportive setting for students with learning differences “that empower these children to find their place as lifelong learners in school and society.”

For more information, visit

About Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. We exist because our kids are growing up in a culture that profoundly impacts their physical, social, and emotional well-being. We provide families with the advice and media reviews they need in order to make the best choices for their children. Through our education programs and policy efforts, Common Sense Media empowers parents, educators, and young people to become knowledgeable and responsible digital citizens. For more information, go to:

