Birth Certificates for $100, More Abercrombie Appointments, Volt Arriving, Recall List revised

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House Bill Would Make Birth Certificates Available for $100

A Hawaii state House bill is taking aim at the numerous requests for Pres. Barack Obama’s birth certificate by granting access to the document for $100.

House Bill 116 notes the state Health Department has been hit with numerous requests over the past two years by people wanting to see Obama’s original long-form birth certificate.

“The continually increasing number of requests have caused the department of health distress as state resources, including employee time and energy, have to be diverted from other department responsibilities, the introduction to the bill notes.

“It may be the case that if requesters were to have access to the actual birth records of officials who require United States citizenship to hold public office, any ambiguity surrounding the issue may be dispelled.”

The bill was submitted by Reps. Rida Cabanilla, Jerry Chang, Joey Manahan, and John Mizuno.

The act would allow the department to disclose birth records of officials who are required to have U.S. citizenship to hold public office. The bill says a $100 fee would be charged for a copy of birth certificates in addition to other fees the department usually charges.

The bill isn’t the only one that focuses on issues brought up by so-called Birthers, who contend Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii in 1961 and therefore can’t legally occupy the White House. This week Arizona State Rep. Judy Burges re-introduced a measure calling for presidential candidates to produce their long-form birth certificates if they wish to be on that state’s ballot.

Another bill submitted this week for consideration by the Hawaii legislature seeks to make Obama’s Aug. 4 birthday, Barack Obama Day in Hawaii.

Abercrombie Makes Five More Appointments

Gov. Neil Abercrombie continues to fill out positions within his administration, naming five appointees to posts on Thursday.

Abercrombie named attorney and Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran Gregory Jackson as director of the Office of Veterans Services and Jesse Souki, Deputy Corporation Counsel for the City and County of Honolulu, as Director of the Office of Planning.

Abercrombie also appointed Russell A. Suzuki, a government attorney who has worked in state and City government, as First Deputy Attorney General and Keith Kamita, a Narcotics Investigator for more than two decades, as Deputy Director of Law Enforcement for the Department of Public Safety/

Martha Torney, a criminologist with more than 35 years of experience in the juvenile and adult justice system, was selected as Deputy Director of Administration for the Department of Public Safety.

Initial Unemployment Claims Declined in Latest Week

Statewide initial unemployment claims decreased by 4.4% in the week ending Jan. 22, according to the Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Total filings amounted to 2,392 and filings compared to 2,503 in the same week in 2010.

The state said Oahu saw an 11 percent increase in claims, while there were fewer claims in all other counties.

Chevrolet Says First Volts to be Arrive in Hawaii in 3rd Quarter

Chevrolet said it is accelerating its launch plan for its new Volt electric vehicle, and plans to have them available in every state by the end of the year.

The cars already have been delivered to customers in the Washington D.C. area, as well as California, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Texas.  Customer delivers for Hawaii are expected to start in the July to September quarter, the automaker said.

City Council Approves Special Management Area Use Permit for Rail

The Honolulu City Council approved a Special Management Area Use Permit for the $5.5 billion Rail Transit project on Wednesday; something the city says will allow it to move ahead with the construction permitting process.

The city said initial work will begin shortly with the relocation of utilities and site preparation for the future construction of an elevated rail guideway.

The SMA permit is required because About 1.6 miles of the 20-mile Honolulu Rail Project route will be inside the Special Management Area district, with a 2.8-mile portion of the rail transit route bordering the district.

Rail Opponent John Brizdle said in a commentary for Hawaii Reporter that some people have been interpreting recent rail approvals to mean that full construction may begin on the project.

He said Honolulu is now moving through the different levels of Pre-Award Authority.  Currently Honolulu can relocate utilities, procure vehicles and acquire real estate. But Honolulu first must apply for and receive permission to enter into the Final Design stage of the New Starts process, then Honolulu can procure rails, ties, other specialized equipment, commodities and demolition, according to Brizdle.

Conway Awarded Distinguished Professorship in Business Law
Professor Danielle Conway has been selected as the inaugural recipient of the Michael J. Marks Distinguished Professorship in Business Law at the William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaii.

Conway teaches in the areas of Intellectual Property Law, Licensing Intellectual Property, International Intellectual Property Law, Internet Law & Policy, and Government Contract Law and is also the Director of the University of Hawai‘i Procurement Institute.

Conway also has delegate status at the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues and serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.

Scholarship Offered to High School Seniors for Japanese Culture

The Japanese Cultural Society of Maui is accepting applications for its annual scholarship to be awarded to a graduating high school senior who promotes and perpetuates the Japanese culture through education and/or the arts.

Those interested in applying for the scholarship may contact Tiffany Iida at or 276-5444, or visit  The scholarship application deadline is March 15.

Hawaii Department of Health Revises Recall List

The Hawaii Department of Health has revised the list of products being recalled from First Commercial Kitchen.

The department issued an order to shut down the Waipahu-based commercial kitchen earlier this week.

The new list includes:

Aloha Salads: Pineapple, Passion Orange and Mango Vinaigrettes


Hot Sauces: Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kauai, Big Island, Oahu, Makai Chili Peppa

Water, Habernero Vinaigrette, Nitro 3, 7 and 10, Red Shark, Chipotle BBQ, Hawaiian

Passion Teriyaki Sauce, Pineapple Salsa, Green Flash, Hot Hawaiian Savory Sauce,

Hawaiian Passion Ginger Fire Sauce, Hawaiian Passion Sweet Pineapple Hot Sauce,

Mango Delicious, Mango Vicious, Phitias Hot Sauce, Polli’s Hot Sauce, Pineapple

Pepper Salsa

Refrigerated Salsas: Maui Onion Sauce, Red, Red Hot, Red Very Very Hot

Shelf Stable Salsas: Red Medium, Red Mild, Red Hot, Red Very Very Hot

Barb’s Favorite Recipes, Barb’s Local Style Black Bean Sauce, Barb’s Kal-Bi Sauce

Bob’s Bar-B-Que Teriyaki Sauce

Cabais Capital Sweet Wasabi Sauce

Fu Manchu Chilli Peppa Water

Grand Café & Bakery: Dessert Topping, Sherry Vinaigrette

Hana Hotties Hot Sauces – Pineapple, Lilikoi Guava, Mango, Papaya

Healing Noni – Noni Juice

India Café: Curry Sauce for Meat, Sauce for Seafood, Tikka Masala (General Sauce)

Jen-e Tropical Creamy Garlic Dressing

Kabuki Restaurant: Yakitori Sauce, Batayaki Sauce

Molokai Roadside Creations Steak Marinades: Original, Mild, Mo’Spicy

Mom’s Recipe Sauce

Natural Edge: Noni Juice

Pacific Poultry: Huli-Huli Sauce

Poke Stop: Remoulade, Creamy Ahi Dressing, Soy Lime Dressing, Pickled Onion Tartar Sauce,

Teri Sauce

REI Food Products (Gyotaku): Sesame Ginger Dressing, Shoyu Dressing, Sweet & Sour


Soul de Cuba: Mango Salsa, Mojo Marinade

Sunset Sauces: Pacific Pesto – Mac Nut Style, Pacific Pesto – Asian Style

Table Boss Safari Sauce

Taste of Joy Teri-Q Sauce

Ted’s Bakery Teri Sauce

Toyo Sushi: Sushi Vinegar, Garlic Sauce, Spicy Garlic Sauce

Waiola Burger Sauce

Wing Coffee Company: Thick Soy Sauce, Sweet & Sour Sauce, Plum Sauce, Hoisin Sauce,

Oyster Sauce, Black Bean Garlic

First Commercial Kitchen LLC: Lum’s Char-Siu Sauce




  1. “House Bill Would Make Birth Certificates Available for $100”

    Thank God; Hawaii is finally moving into the 21st Century.

  2. You will never get a decent debate going if every post is going to be subject to an hour plus moderation period. Lighten up, will ya?

    • Once you are approved the first time, there is no delay in your posts, so go for it. Thanks for your patience. We are fortunate to have terrific people posting but some of the other local sites have a real problem with profanity and defamation.

      • Very, very, very few use pro-active moderation. You need buttons to report spam, foul language, personal attacks, etc. Most organizations seem to be comfortable with that process.

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