Pet Information and Resources Comes to Mayor Wright Housing

Hawaii Govorner Neil Abercrombie meets two residents who just signed pledges to be kind to pets and all animals. (Photo courtesy of The Hawaiian Humane Society)
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Hawaii Govorner Neil Abercrombie meets two residents who just signed pledges promising kindness to pets and all animals. (Photo courtesy of The Hawaiian Humane Society)

Last weekend, I volunteered with The Hawaiian Humane Society at the “Community-N-Unity” Mayor Wright Homes Housing Event, hosted by the Hawaii Public Housing Authority. It was the first time I visited this government housing complex and was a little nervous after reading some of the press coverage regarding fatal stabbing accidents.  But what I discovered was inspiring.

That day, I met a wonderful group of residents coming together in a coordinated effort to take care of each other. Various vendors provided information, and the pet education booth received a constant stream of pet-loving visitors. We signed up 12 dogs and two cats for sterilizations, gave out 300 pounds of pet food, and and collected 42 pet pledges encouraging residents to be kind to their pets and all animals.

Access to pet information and resources is vital. It’s why I created Hawaii Military Pets because there wasn’t one place within The Department of Defense where military families could obtain this information. Having access to pet resources and education helps people become more responsible pet owners, and I think it reduces pet overpopulation. This is because responsible pet owners are more likely to spay/neuter their pet, use a microchip and consider their pet an indoor, lifetime family member.

Residents perform a dance routine at the Mayor Wright “Community-N-Unity” housing event, which promoted the building of community ties. (Photo courtesy of The Hawaiian Humane Society)

The Hawaiian Humane Society has more than 30 programs and services for Oahu’s pet families. They enforce our animal laws and they take in any animal, at any time. They educate in our community, and they work with many other community partners to make this happen. It’s a collective team that comes together to better protect our pets, and I’m honored to have the opportunity to work with them. I hope you can join us for their yearly Petwalk fundraiser Oct. 7.

I want to thank the Hawaii Reporter for giving me the opportunity to write about my experiences volunteering in the Oahu pet community. There’s a great team of animal advocates working together to make our community safer. I look forward to writing about additional community pet resources and nonprofits. There’s so many services on Oahu for pets, and I look forward to sharing what I have learned.




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The Humane Society of the United States, a private non-profit, non-partisan organization, is the nation's largest animal protection organization, with field offices in 40 states and 30 countries, and rated the most effective by its peers. Since 1954, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education and hands-on programs. We rescue and care for tens of thousands of animals each year, but our primary mission is to prevent cruelty before it occurs. We're there for all animals, across America and around the world. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty -- on the Web at and The Humane Society of the United States is rated a 4-star charity (the highest possible) by Charity Navigator, approved by the Better Business Bureau for all 20 standards for charity accountability, voted by Guidestar’s Philanthropedia experts as the #1 high-impact animal protection group, and named by Worth Magazine as one of the 10 most fiscally responsible charities. Contact us at and through our Facebook page at


  1. I like your post Community-N-Unity" Mayor Wright Homes Housing Event, hosted by the Hawaii Public Housing Authority. It was the first time I visited this government housing complex and was a little nervous after reading some of the press coverage regarding fatal stabbing accidents,thanks for.

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