BRT Nightmare Continues, Despite Disbenefits

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Having seen many “buy-ins” in the city government since Fasi’s ill-fated bus adventure in the l970s, I am shuddering over the city’s $1 billion Bus Rapid Transit system plan now being pushed.

Despite well-recognized, competent people providing analyses proving the “disbenefit” (U.H. Professor Dr. Prevedouros) of the proposal to Honolulu, pressure to start the illogical project continues.

Even the use of the word “Rapid” in the title does not compute in the over-all city requirement when critical available lanes in the Waikiki-Downtown corridor will be eliminated.

Hopefully, enough pressure will be generated to counter-balance the effect of non-bid contracts, bought and paid for by political donations to the city administration.

”’Clyde Friar, a Kailua resident, can be reached via email at:”’

