Bullying in Hawaii: A State of Denial

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BY SYDNEY ROSS SINGER – Does the Aloha State actually have a bullying problem? If you are Caucasian and from the Mainland, you will certainly think so.

It doesn’t matter how long you live here, or if you were even born here. If you are white, locals will still call you a “haole”, a derogatory term that is Hawaii’s equivalent of using the “N-word”.

And the prejudice goes beyond name calling. White people are often treated with scorn. “Go back to where you came from”, seems to be the message. “You don’t belong here.” Sometimes it results in violence.

White children in our schools are harassed, intimidated, and physically abused. The last school day of the year in Hawaii, for example, is traditionally called “kill a haole day”.

Racism is as ugly in Hawaii as anywhere else, and is the cause of much of the bullying of school children and adults alike. Unless this underlying racist cause of bullying is addressed, efforts to stop bullying are doomed to fail.

To overcome racism we must be inclusive and tolerant of differences. The diversity of cultures and peoples must be embrace and celebrated to find synergy in our differences. We must realize that we are all “one”, with no group more important than any other.

Achieving this “melting pot” in Hawaii will be difficult. Language and cultural barriers are keeping people apart, making Hawaii more a patchwork of different cultures than an integrated whole.

If these different cultures were living together, say, in New York, then they would all be called New Yorkers. They would share an identity despite their differences. But you can’t do that in Hawaii, since no matter how long you live here you will never be a “Hawaiian”. That term is reserved for native Hawaiian people. Everyone else is just a “resident”.

Being native or not is an issue in Hawaii, and is a racial issue by definition. And while many native Hawaiians live with aloha, there are some who are resentful of what they see as foreign occupation of their islands.

If Hawaiians have first claim to these islands, then locals with Hawaiian blood have second claim, and immigrants, or aliens, have little or no claim. The stage is thus set for prejudice, racism, and bullying.

Of course, when alien people and cultures move in, they bring along alien plants and animals, too. Hawaii’s diversity of species from all around the world is a direct product of human immigration.

It is no surprise, then, that prejudice against immigrant cultures will result in prejudice against immigrant species.

The Hawaii government’s environmental policy gives preference to “native” species and has the agenda of “restoring native ecosystems”. While this native species supremacism is a national agenda, it has a powerful impact in Hawaii where it parallels political nativism and encourages racial prejudice.

According to this policy, species introduced to Hawaii after western contact are “alien”, and “don’t belong here”. Species introduced to Hawaii by native Hawaiians are “native”, and do belong here. The current focus of environmental management is to get rid of immigrant species to return the islands to their pre-contact “native” condition.

To those who desire and appreciate these immigrant species, this feels like environmental bullying.

Of course, this reinforces the racism problem. The more the government institutionalizes native supremacism in political and environmental agendas, the more it justifies and encourages a “we belong here and you don’t” attitude.

This is the recipe for hate, intolerance, and bullying.

For Hawaii to live up to its Aloha Spirit rhetoric, racial bullying must stop being tolerated.  The school anti-bullying program must address racial prejudice.  And there needs to be sensitivity classes to teach compassion and respect for others.

We must realize that what counts most about people is not where they are from, but what they have to offer.  Remember, “Aloha” means compassion, love, peace, affection, and mercy.




  1. Sydney Ross look at your post…you talk of us Hawaiians

    As if we r not even human. Immagrent species wtf man could have

    Just said people !!!!

  2. Sydney Ross look at your post…you talk of us Hawaiians
    As if we r not even human. Immagrent species wtf man could have
    Just said people !!!!

  3. These are some of the reasons whites get bullied


    U can’t just have a hawaiian name if your not

    Hawaiian. There’s whites out there that I’ve

    Ran into that don’t even know what there

    Hawaiian name means its very disrespectful.

    don’t try and talk like a local …that’s also

    Disrespectful …so don’t talk pigeon just be you

    And you will be fine.

    Don’t wear hula clothes it’s considered

    Traditional clothing. Saw a white man

    Wearing a hula bottom and coconut shells

    For his chest… Not smart because several

    Hawaiians was offended.

    Don’t give eye to eye contact for a long while

    considered disrespectful . U can get hit for it

    If your at the beach don’t try and catch the same

    Wave jus wait your turn…if u are on the same wave

    Just run after.

    When u are eating local goods don’t say bad

    Things about it like I’ll or grose when u see raw

    Fish being eaten or something .

    Don’t say savage or any bad thing to a local

    Just don’t do it 🙂

    Don’t talk to a local girl because u don’t know

    If she is taken. Talking to a local girl that’s taken

    Could lead to a bad situation.

    Locals fight other locals just for looking at there

    Women. A lot worse for u tho if your white.

    Just wait for a local women to talk to u.. Safest

    For u

    More later 🙂

    • The bottom line is that you are all Americans since Statehood was granted and have the rights under the US Constitution and Hawaii Constitution, but above all those rights are those given to all by the Supreme Being we all will answer to upon His judgement of each individual's lifelong actions. Think pass your nose because it will be heaven or hell for all beings on the face of this planet!!

  4. These are some of the reasons whites get bullied


    U can’t just have a hawaiian name if your not

    Hawaiian. There’s whites out there that I’ve

    Ran into that don’t even know what there

    Hawaiian name means its very disrespectful.

    don’t try and talk like a local …that’s also

    Disrespectful …so don’t talk pigeon just be you

    And you will be fine.

    Don’t wear hula clothes it’s considered

    Traditional clothing. Saw a white man

    Wearing a hula bottom and coconut shells

    For his chest… Not smart because several

    Hawaiians was offended.

    Don’t give eye to eye contact for a long while

    considered disrespectful . U can get hit for it

    If your at the beach don’t try and catch the same

    Wave jus wait your turn…if u are on the same wave

    Just run after.

    When u are eating local goods don’t say bad

    Things about it like I’ll or grose when u see raw

    Fish being eaten or something .

    Don’t say savage or any bad thing to a local

    Just don’t do it 🙂

    Don’t talk to a local girl because u don’t know

    If she is taken. Talking to a local girl that’s taken

    Could lead to a bad situation.

    Locals fight other locals just for looking at there

    Women. A lot worse for u tho if your white.

    Just wait for a local women to talk to u.. Safest

    For u

    More later 🙂

    • Get your list updated. Your cultural differences are family based and need to reflect American values since you are American by birth or citizenship. If not, when in the states abide by our nation's laws and customs.

    • What the hell? I'm a local girl born and raised here and what you are saying is whack. You make us locals look bad!! As long as no one is disrespectful to me haole or not i dont give a shit about what they do. To me it all comes down to RESPECT. It doesn't matter what race you are, respect other people and their land and you should be FINE. Those "hawaiians" or whatever race that are rude out of pure spite because someone is white or asian is RACIST. End of story.

  5. These are some of the reasons whites get bullied


    U can’t just have a hawaiian name if your not

    Hawaiian. There’s whites out there that I’ve

    Ran into that don’t even know what there

    Hawaiian name means its very disrespectful.

    don’t try and talk like a local …that’s also

    Disrespectful …so don’t talk pigeon just be you

    And you will be fine.

    Don’t wear hula clothes it’s considered

    Traditional clothing. Saw a white man

    Wearing a hula bottom and coconut shells

    For his chest… Not smart because several

    Hawaiians was offended.

    Don’t give eye to eye contact for a long while

    considered disrespectful . U can get hit for it

    If your at the beach don’t try and catch the same

    Wave jus wait your turn…if u are on the same wave

    Just run after.

    When u are eating local goods don’t say bad

    Things about it like I’ll or grose when u see raw

    Fish being eaten or something .

    Don’t say savage or any bad thing to a local

    Just don’t do it 🙂

    Don’t talk to a local girl because u don’t know

    If she is taken. Talking to a local girl that’s taken

    Could lead to a bad situation.

    Locals fight other locals just for looking at there

    Women. A lot worse for u tho if your white.

    Just wait for a local women to talk to u.. Safest

    For u

    More later 🙂

  6. These are some of the reasons whites get bullied


    U can’t just have a hawaiian name if your not

    Hawaiian. There’s whites out there that I’ve

    Ran into that don’t even know what there

    Hawaiian name means its very disrespectful.

    don’t try and talk like a local …that’s also

    Disrespectful …so don’t talk pigeon just be you

    And you will be fine.

    Don’t wear hula clothes it’s considered

    Traditional clothing. Saw a white man

    Wearing a hula bottom and coconut shells

    For his chest… Not smart because several

    Hawaiians was offended.

    Don’t give eye to eye contact for a long while

    considered disrespectful . U can get hit for it

    If your at the beach don’t try and catch the same

    Wave jus wait your turn…if u are on the same wave

    Just run after.

    When u are eating local goods don’t say bad

    Things about it like I’ll or grose when u see raw

    Fish being eaten or something .

    Don’t say savage or any bad thing to a local

    Just don’t do it 🙂

    Don’t talk to a local girl because u don’t know

    If she is taken. Talking to a local girl that’s taken

    Could lead to a bad situation.

    Locals fight other locals just for looking at there

    Women. A lot worse for u tho if your white.

    Just wait for a local women to talk to u.. Safest

    For u

    More later 🙂

  7. The so calledHawiians who are nothing but a mixed race consisting of everything from Hispanics, polynesians, oriental mixes who are no longer condidered part of any of the cultures they strayed from are hardly Hwaiian. Even the so called "Hawaiian Language being forced into the schools is just a language made up by a Caucasian linguist named Pila who invented it in the seventies. None of the Hawaiian music makes any sense at all and just get some so called "Hawaiian" to translate one and you will see that none can. After 2 years of studying Hawaiian Language an UHH I asked my Hawaiian teacher Why can't I understand the Hawaiian music and she just laughed. After all the polynesian immigrnts who ate Captian Cook hadn't even invented thw wheel yet, were about as advanced as chimpanzies.
    Then the big issue is that they control the CPS here and are abducting white children especially blondes. They use them as sex toys and every year around 4o just go missing. Like Astara Evenstar who was thrown off a cliff after the Mexican family she was put in got worries that they might be in trouble for getting her addicted to meth sending her to parties where she was gang raped and because a Columbian "Hawaiian" got her pregnand.The Maui cops are mostly mexicans and protect the Hawaiian criminals who murder whites and the whole government right p to the governor stand behind them.

  8. With a well executed plane like you explain, I'm surprised you ever had an issue here and are not running for King of Hawaii… or are you just all waha?

  9. This is Hawaii and not the mainland or anywhere else (Period), if you like or prefer the mainland or anywhere else better then you should be there and not here.

    If your from the mainland or anywhere else and not Hawaii you have no idea what made Hawaii Hawaii, Hawaii or the Aloha State… And should not try to change anything here, but just adapt and get along with what it is as many others before you have that enjoy it here. If you feel you can come here without a clue of Hawaii and the Aloha sprite and make changes, go back and make those changes where you came from so you can have your own ideal Hawaii without changing what we have, know, love that makes the majority non-complaining non-entitled thinking people happy and get along.

    When in Rome do as the Romans, When in Hawaii do the same!

    The known saying is not ugly Hawaiians, it's ugly Americans, so why would we want to change that?

    Hawaii has been the Aloha state before being infested with outsiders, and has only gone down hill since being infested and getting worst with the increase of infestation… go figure.

    Everything is about how Hawaii is not suited for the outsider but the outsider gives two shits about how they are not suited for Hawaii's people and their Aloha life style.

    Hawaii has no issues with others of the world, it's America that has issues with the rest of the world and bringing the same spoiled arrogant deserving attitude that they bring to Hawaii then call it Hawaii and the locals fault, well it was better then before and the only difference is with less Hawaiians and locals and more outsiders… do the math!

    • You are what you eat… Therefore, you are an American, you dumbass..
      Nice 3 paragraph essay. Now, if you would invest all that energy into something productive and useful for this planet, rather than posting venom and stupid bullshit around the internet; you would do yourself and everyone else a HUGE favor.
      But of course you are a hateful idiot, so we cannot expect a miracle from you.. Can we?!

    • SO what you're saying is I should get pregnant at 14 and smoke meth, live off of welfare and get mad at people who work because they have more money than me, right? Is that your so-called culture, because I've seen it elsewhere.

  10. Americans only now being bullied in Hawaii after America's illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian (government) Kingdom is just not ethical nor is it acceptable is it?

    • Then go fucking complain to the US government! Last time I checked your ass is American too!
      No such thing as Hawaiian citizenship duchebag. And moreover, your hateful sloppy fatass is getting all the welfare checks from America, or is not??
      You are the ones that when hired, you don’t show up to work and you call that "Hawaiian way”

      You are the ones who abuse and neglect your own children and live dirty like slobs.. Oh but wait, that’s still the “Hawaiian Way” GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!!
      You think you are some kind of Elite race that white Americans should kneel before you? Fuck you loser.
      You want respect, you give respect. You are the first one looking at us with a menace and expect us to just “understand” you. The whole fucking world has problems, you are NOT that special. SO WAKETHEFUCKUP!
      You like to listen to american rap, you like to dress and act like you’re from the bronx hood, and eat BBQ and fast food just like all the other Americans. So guess what? You are a fucking American, ok?? Now STFU and go eat a hamburger..
      Dumbass…. -_________-

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