Bureaucracy Leading to Cruelty of Animals in Quarantine

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Many animals have gotten sick and died in quarantine such as the recent case of a small dog being poisoned by insecticides and the beating of a dog, knocking out a number of its teeth.

It is obvious to everyone who ever went through pet quarantine that this outdated law is nothing but a big bureaucracy to keep job security for certain individuals and to extract money from pet owners.

Before a pet can even be shipped to Hawaii, the quarantine department requires it to have had a number of rabies shots within a certain time period, as well as a serology test in Kansas City to certify that the animal is rabies free. Getting a pet ready for shipment is quite an expense, considering the high vet bills, including crates and shipping charges.

After the pet arrives in Hawaii, the animal quarantine requires another test upon arrival. Apparently the quarantine department does not accept the certification of licensed vets on the mainland and the serology test made in Kansas City that the animal is rabies free, which is a slap in the face of mainland vets by the state of Hawaii.

Then in addition of the high quarantine fees charged by the animal quarantine department, the pet owner has to pay for all tests made in quarantine, as well as all vet bills incurred should the animal get sick.

A quick calculation tells me that total charges to export an animal to Hawaii and get it through quarantine may range between $1,000 to $2,000 per animal. This may even cost more if the animal is detained longer than 30 days in Quarantine because of sickness, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the pet owner and his children suffer because of their beloved pets are locked up and cannot live with their family, not to speak of the trauma when the animal gets sick and then dies in quarantine.

Such was the case of Commander Schnurr’s dog Chocolate who acquired cancer in quarantine and the sate would not release him until after the elderly couple went on a hunger strike and slept in their car trying to be near their dearest friend who was very sick.

How sad that such cruel things are going on because of the state’s outdated quarantine law, which is totally unnecessary. Most countries in the world now have pet passport system and no longer quarantine pets.

Concerned citizens who are opposed to the cruelty of pet quarantine have formed a coalition based in Honolulu by the name of Community Coalition of Hawaii for Reform of Animal Quarantine.

Call (808) 277-5737 for more information.

I am appealing to Sen. Lorraine Inouye from the Big Island to hear the bill, and to Gov. Linda Lingle and all state officials to support the proposed bill SB 1175, SD1, which reforms the present law of quarantine and is fair to the pets and their owners.

”’Pauline Brault is a resident of Keaau, Hawaii.”’

