Calling Out the Know-It-All Left on the Issue of Racism

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During the transformative years of the 1960s and 1970s the country went through some incredible growing pains, especially where the issue of race was concerned. Implementing the necessary actions – not just the rhetoric – of the Civil Rights movement allowed the overwhelming majority of us – and our society – to move beyond the true inequities with which racism plagued us.

Today, listening to the Progressives – who for their entire existence on American soil have been trying to divide the country along demographic lines for political purposes – you would necessarily have to believe we are a full-blown racist nation. That was the accusation Hillary Clinton leveled against the American people in the first 2016 presidential debate, when asked by moderator Lester Holt if she thought law enforcement was implicitly bias against Black people. “I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone not just police,” Clinton said.

Clinton’s declaration should both stop us in our tracks, and infuriate us at the same time. Hillary Clinton just decided for each and every one of us that, whether you believe you are or not, you are a racist deep down.

This arrogant and audacious declaration – a decision made for you and I by people who have never met us and most likely never will – is a slander against everyone who spent time during the transformative 1960s and 1970s being courageous enough about the change required to overcome racism.

This conceited decree slaps the faces of each and every person who listened to, supported and embraced the ideas articulated by the consummate civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said we must not judge each other by the color of our skin, but on the content of our character.

“I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone not just police,” Clinton said. “I think, unfortunately, too many of us, in our great country, um, jump to conclusions about each other. And, therefore, I think we need – all of us – to be asking hard questions about, you know, ‘Why am I feeling this way?’ But when it comes to policing it can have, literally, fatal consequences.”

Clinton said because she and her Progressive brethren believe there to be implicit bias in the police department, that she would allocate taxpayer dollars in her first presidential budget – should she get that far – to “retrain a lot of our police officers.” If that sounds a lot like “re-education camps” to you, you wouldn’t be the only person to have that thought.

Clinton may be the most vocal messenger for this Progressive point of view, she is by no means the only one who thinks this way; she is by no means alone in her incredible arrogance. The entirety of the Progressive movement believes that we are all “implicitly racist.”

According to the mothership of Progressivism, George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, “implicit racism” is defined as:

“Implicit bias occurs when someone consciously rejects stereotypes and supports anti-discrimination efforts but also holds negative associations in his/her mind unconsciously…[M]uch of the work our brain does occurs on the unconscious level. Thus, implicit bias does not mean that people are hiding their racial prejudices. They literally do not know they have them. More than 85 percent of all Americans consider themselves to be unprejudiced. Yet researchers have concluded that the majority of people in the United States hold some degree of implicit racial bias.” (emphasis mine)

So, whether you know it or not, believe it or not, or act like it or not, you are a racist according to Hillary Clinton and the Progressive movement. It may come as a shock to you, but you are. The Progressives have decided that for you.

I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I was brought up not to judge people by the color of their skin. I was taught to judge people by their works, words and deeds, if I found that someone needed to be judged at all. So, I am done with having a pseudo-enlightened gaggle of wanna-be know-it-alls tell me, whether I like it or not, that I am a racist.

The only people who are racist in the United States are those who continuously see the world through the lens of race. That pretty much defines Hillary Clinton, the Progressives and the Democrat Party to a tee.



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