Campaign Spending Commission: Rep. Mizuno and His Wife Did Not Violate Law

May and John Mizuno
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May and John Mizuno

REPORT FROM THE MIZUNO CAMPAIGNS – Today, the Hawaii Campaign Commission ruled that Rep. John Mizuno (D-Kalihi Valley – Kamehameha Heights) and his wife, May Mizuno, a candidate for City Council District 6, did not violate any law.  A complaint was filed by the Republican Party alleging that the Friends of John Mizuno campaign donated signs to the Friends of May Mizuno campaign.

At the Commission hearing today Rep. Mizuno explained that the signs were purchased by the Friends of May Mizuno campaign for fair-market-value and that the complaint by the Republican Party should be dismissed.  The Commission agreed and dismissed the complaint.

Rep. Mizuno provides, “This shows how petty the Republican Party can be.  It is unfortunate that today we see a bunch of negative ads and outrageously offensive campaign commercials attacking the opposing candidate.  I have always stated ‘to denigrate another person to elevate yourself or your Party displays fear, hatred, and bigotry, and I don’t believe voters would want to elect such a negative person into office.'”

May Mizuno adds, “The last few months have been very exciting for both my husband and I.  As we continue going door-to-door we have met thousands of area residents who have offered kind words of encouragement.  Therefore, it is very concerning to me that the Republican Party and one of my opponents will focus on negative campaigning rather than the central issues that really affect us, such as the Rail Project, fixing our infrastructure, the issue of property taxes, affordable healthcare, housing, education, crime reduction, and bringing back the Bus routes which were cut.  I feel that our voters are inclined to vote for a positive candidate, one who does not display hate as a means to gain votes.”

It is important to note that Dean and Marissa Capelouto, husband and wife, are running as Republicans for the State Senate and State House seats in the areas of Kapolei, Makakilo, Lower Waipahu, and Ewa Beach.  Mizuno adds, “I’ve been told by a Republican that both husband and wife are using the same “Capelouto” signs.  You don’t see the Democratic Party or their opponents filing a petty complaint against the Capeloutos.  I don’t expect the husband or wife to change their name just for the sake of an election.”

Rep. Mizuno states, “It really hurts me to witness this type of hateful negative campaigning strategy.  I completely understand why Hawaii has one of the lowest voter turnouts in the nation, with such hate ads and negativity who would want to vote.  Would anyone want such a hateful candidate representing their community?  My thoughts go out to all political parties, candidates, special interest groups or political action committees, who will say or do anything to get their candidate elected.  It’s about people, not politics, so stop the hate campaign and display your platform instead.”




  1. Let me get this straight — it's 'hateful and hurtful' to bring a complaint for an apparent campaign violation to the Commission? Mizuno's must be living a sheltered life. The rules do state that campaigns can't make contributions to each other–Mizunos were using each others signs all over the place—the opposing party asked the Commission to look into it, they did. They admit they immediately went out and took down about 25 signs or so. Why the whining about a minor complaint? If you shout 'hate' and 'bigotry' whenever you get a little flack–you're going to wear out your outrage and people are going to get tired of it. If politicians were nice they wouldn't overtax the poor (as Hawaii clearly does under the Mizunos' parties continuing leadership), they wouldn't steal their own employees' pension fund contributions for other expenses just to keep from having to make some tough decisions, and they wouldn't leave us subject to monopoly overcharges on shipping, telephones, and electricity that have left our island economy DEAD LAST in affordable living in comparison to incomes and cost of living, for all the 50 states. The Mizunos' appeal to being nice sounds good, but what their party has been doing to Hawaii for the last 45 years is not so nice. Voters should look past the bedside manner of the politicians and look to the heavy burdens they've been laying on the people.

    • Dear Jasmine,

      What is a positive attack?

      In the absence of any "attack"s at all, what's the point of having an opponent? Why not just go to a one party system with its discipline and message control so the people will never have to hear of a disagreement ever again and we can all hum kumbaya in harmony while the insiders take us to the cleaners.

      The Mizuno's tactic of slandering a legitimate complaint (hey, they didn't report what they were doing, as required, so it looked like a violation) as 'hate' or 'bigot' or 'petty' brings sympathy for themselves, and misdirects the public into a pity party for them while their party continues to run the State deeper into massive debt and complex old boy schemes which all our children will have to pay out of their future earnings.

  2. Dean and Marissa Capelouto, husband and wife, are running as Republicans for the State Senate and State House seats in the areas of Kapolei, Makakilo, Lower Waipahu, and Ewa Beach. Mizuno adds, "I've been told by a Republican that both husband and wife are using the same "Capelouto" signs. You don't see the Democratic Party or their opponents filing a petty complaint against the Capeloutos. I don't expect the husband or wife to change their name just for the sake of an election." Rep. Mizuno is right – both parties need to chill out on the negative attacks. If this were fair than the Capeloutos should have been charged for the same "alleged" violations.

  3. Rep. Mizuno worked with Rep. Pine on stronger crime laws for murder committed by youth ages 15, 16, and 17 and Rep. Pine is a Republican. Rep. Mizuno's bills have been supported by both democrats and republicans and he is committed toward reducing taxes.

  4. The reason the Democrat party did not file a complaint against us for sharing political signs (both myself and Marissa are running for state office positions) is that we were "smart enough" to report those transactions correctly with the campaign spending commission (a 50 – 50 split) ….. Rep Mizuno and his wife (running for Council District 6) are whining foul (the Republican party filed a complaint against them both) but didn't have the decency to "ask us" before releasing a press release with our names it it….. you can't fix STUPID, but you can VOTE THEM OUT !

  5. Rep. Mizuno saved the department of human services from closing all 31 offices statewide and thus saved essential health and human services for over 300,000 needy Hawaii residents. What did the Capeloutos do? Nothing. The Campaign Spending Commission reviewed the Mizunos reports and found no violation. The capeloutos seem to be the uneducated ones. Did the capeloutos ever save services for anyone? Did they save millions of taxpayer money by working to reunite homeless in Hawaii with their families on the mainland? No – that's why we'll see what the voters think about the capeloutos in this election. You can't fix undeucated and useless, but you can vote against them. Who ever saw a sign endorsing two candidates? That's what the capeloutos did? Can't fix Stupid, but you cna vote against them.

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