Candidate Applications for Leeward Oahu BOE Seat Being Accepted Until Sept. 13

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    HONOLULU — Leeward Oahu residents interested in serving on the Hawaii State Board of Education have until Monday, Sept. 13, to file to run as candidates in a nonpartisan special vacancy election for the First School Board District, 5th Department.

    The special election will be held in conjunction with the Nov. 2 general election. The elected candidate will serve the remainder of an unexpired term that ends on Nov. 6, 2012. The 5th Departmental School District encompasses Representative Districts 35, 42, 43, 44, 45 and part of Districts 34, 36, 37, 40, 41 and 46.


    Candidates may file nomination papers at the Office of Elections, 802 Lehua Avenue, Pearl City, between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. No signatures are needed on nomination papers for candidates filing to run in a special election to fill a vacancy.

    To be eligible to run, candidates must meet the following requirements:

    • · Currently registered voter of School Board District
    • · Residency in Departmental School District
    • · Meet provisions (resign to run) of Article II, Section 7 of the Hawaii State Constitution
    • · Does not hold any other public office in state or county government

    Submitted by the BOE


