Capitol Round Up – March 5, 2010-'You've got to be kidding' bill; Bathrooms without Borders Bill Moves to Senate; Employers to pay 6.5 times more for the unemployment tax this year

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‘You’ve got to be kidding’ bill”


In a little more than 6 months after the Hawaii Superferry filed for bankruptcy here in Hawaii, Rep. Joe Souki introduced a bill to do a feasibility study on creating a statewide ferry system, along with a Hawaii State Ferry System Authority to operate that system between the islands.

Of course government thinks it can do better than a private company that spent millions of its own dollars to operate a ferry system in Hawaii and failed. Government has access to what it thinks is unlimited taxpayer funds and makes all the laws – two things the private sector does not have at its disposal.

But despite these “advantages,” the city proved even government has difficulty doing business in Hawaii when it couldn’t operate the city’s ‘TheBoat’ on Oahu due to excessive costs and lack of ridership.

”Bathroom without Borders: Bill for public urination ban in Downtown Honolulu moves over to the Senate”


The purpose of this bill, titled an act for public order, is to remove the sunset date of December 31, 2012, on the prohibition against urinating and defecating in public within the boundaries of downtown, and change it to December 31, 2014.

In addition, the House Judiciary amended the bill to change the effective date to December 21, 2058, to encourage further discussion.

Just how many years does it take to figure out the pros and cons of not letting folks treat downtown Honolulu like a bathroom without borders?

”Employers will ‘only’ have to pay 6.5 times more for the unemployment tax this year

