REPORT FROM KAUAI COUNTY – LĪHU’E – The County of Kaua’i Office of the Prosecuting Attorney filed charges against two men regarding alleged theft of rocks and damage to a cultural preserve on Kauai’s south side.
Roland Sagum III turned himself in on a warrant for Theft in the Second Degree, a class C felony, for his alleged involvement in taking rocks from a historic preserve and heiau site located in Po’ipū. Another warrant has been issued for the arrest of Lealiki Koli for Theft in the Second Degree and Criminal Property Damage in the Second Degree, both class C felonies, concerning the same incident.
The land is currently owned by Kukui‘ula Development Corporation and maintained by the Royal Order of Kamehameha I.
Numerous truckloads of rocks with an estimated value of around $6,000 were allegedly removed from the property between June 27 and July 4, 2011, and were reportedly to be used to build a rock wall on Sagum’s property. It is also alleged that mechanical equipment was improperly used at the preserve, causing an estimated $7,000 in damages. A cultural survey has been done to determine the extent of the damage to the historic site.
Sagum will be arraigned Thursday and is being represented by Craig A. De Costa, Esq. Second Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Rebecca A. Vogt represents the State.
Prosecuting Attorney Justin F. Kollar said of the charges, “Our Office takes the protection of our island’s cultural and historic resources very seriously. We ask the public to please honor these resources and preserve them for future generations.”
The public is reminded that the filing of charges is not evidence of guilt and that all defendants in a criminal case are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.