Charles Memminger’s “Charleyworld” Column Will Bring Some Chuckles To Hawaii Reporter Readers

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National award-winning humor writer Charles Memminger will share his off-beat and amusing take on issues of the day with the weekly publication of his “Charleyworld” column in the Hawaii Reporter.

See his first column here:

CharleyWorld: ‘Wiki’ Overtakes ‘Aloha’ and ‘Kaaawa’ as Most Famous Word in the World From Hawaii

Memminger’s “Honolulu Lite” column ran in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin for many years and was twice named the top humor column in the country by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists for papers under 100,000 circulation.

After leaving the Bulletin in 2009, Memminger launched “Charleyworld”  which ran in the Honolulu Advertiser until the newspapers merged.

Charleyworld” placed third in the 2010 NSNC column competition for newspapers over 100,000 circulation.

Contest judge and author Michael Deupree wrote: “I was immediately receptive to Memminger’s work because there is something intrinsically funny, at least to an Iowan, about somebody in Hawaii bitching about the weather.”

Memminger’s columns, essays and articles have been published nationally in Newsweek, Better Homes & Gardens, OMNI and via the New York Times News Service. Some of his columns are now distributed on the Cagle Cartoon and Commentary syndicate ( and he is a frequent contributor to “Honolulu” magazine.

Memminger also is author of two books, “Hey, Tourist! Buy This Book!” and “Hey, Waiter, There’s An Umbrella In My Drink (Tales from the Tropics by Hawaii’s Favorite Humor Columnist).” He also was a staff writer on the TV shows “Baywatch Hawaii” and “From Hawaii: Destination Stardom.”

You purchase “Hey, Waiter” on or at a discount by e-mailing Memminger at

