Christmas Grinch? Atheist Gets Hawaii DOE to Halt Winter Charity Concert Just Hours Before the Show

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Moanalua High School Orchestra

Moanalua High School students in the award-winning orchestra have proudly raised $200,000 over the last 6 years through their annual holiday concert.

These students, who have performed at Carnegie Hall in New York three times, don’t keep the money to buy new instruments, travel abroad or help their school.


Instead, they send $30,000 they raise every year overseas to a well-known charity, Mercy Ships, which is current housing American doctors in Africa on a medical mission. These doctors help the poorest of residents – some who have never seen a doctor – with urgent medical and dental needs.

It is the students’ gift to the world during the holidays and their chance to make difference for others in need.

The seventh annual fundraiser was set for this weekend, and students have been practicing for months to ensure their performance was perfect.

But an atheist activist, who has shown up to protest city hall Christmas tree lighting ceremonies as well as city council hearings and legislative events where there is prayer, has turned up as their Christmas Grinch and put a stop to the kids’ best-laid plans just hours before the show.

Mitch Kahle, founder of Hawaii Residents for Separation of Church and State, wrote a letter to the Department of Education on “Freedom from Religion Foundation” stationary on December 3 demanding state officials stop the concert. He claimed the public high school was in cahoots with New Hope, one of Hawaii’s largest Christian churches.

It’s true that some of the New Hope parishioners volunteered to sell tickets or work on the set. But the concert is run by school staff and features its students, and tickets are sold both on campus and by phone. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to Mercy Ships. Historically, Mercy Ships, which has been the beneficiary of the concert for 4 years, used the $30,000 from Moanalua’s concert to get another $30,000 from matching donors.

“People are assuming this is a New Hope event when it is not. They cancelled a high school event,” said Chad Brownstein, a volunteer with the concert, graduate of the school and employee of New Hope.

“For the people at New Hope, this not an issue because they (activists) are not fighting against New Hope. But the students had practiced and rehearsed and were excited to do it.”

Michael W. Perry, Hawaii’s best-known radio talk show host, has been covering the controversy extensively on his morning show on KSSK, a Clear Channel station.

“It is an unfortunate situation in which one person writing one letter to the DOE has disrupted a $30,000 fundraiser going on for 6 years now, and for what reason? He claims the Constitution says there can be no involvement with school and church and there is no such statement in the Constitution,” Perry said.

Donalyn Dela Cruz, director of Communications for the DOE, said the decision announced Monday to cancel the Friday concert was made by the DOE after consultation with the Attorney General’s office.

“The Department applauds both the students who were hoping to provide this concert, as well as the charitable purpose behind it. However, after some consideration, the Department realized that the concert could have been better structured,” Dela Cruz said.

Kahle is Hawaii’s only well known atheist who makes God an issue.

He’s protested the police department using the words “so help me God” in their oath of office, and got the Honolulu Police Department to remove the words from the oath in September 2002.

On his web site, Kahle proclaims proudly under a cartoon poking fun at the police, that “God Gets the Boot!”

Kahle appears to enjoy the media attention, because he has his media mentions posted prominently throughout his web site dating back for several years including the most exposure he’s had in an interview with Bill O’Reilly on Fox’s O’Reilly Factor.

But besides threatening letters that on occasion are backed by the ACLU, and the tantrums he’s thrown at city hall and the legislature when God is mentioned, Kahle has had few actual legal successes.

His group is made up of a handful of atheists who want God banished from the planet. One of his main sidekicks is his wife Holly Huber.

Kahle doesn’t win in court so much as he gets his way by getting people in government to simply bend to his wishes through bullying and threats.

He has intimidated Senate leadership into cancelling its daily prayer during the 60-working day session.

He’s pushed the Honolulu City Council leadership into cancelling only prayer a month typically held before its monthly meeting.

He’s harassed the military until it took a cross down from its property.

And when loved ones lost their family members on Mothers’ Day, May 9, 1999, during a tragic land slide at Sacred Falls park, and they posted eight small crosses by the roadside in remembrance, Kahle insisted the state remove them from the public sidewalk.

Kahle also takes credit for getting Boy Scouts programs and oath restricted on public school campuses in 2002, getting the phrase “I believe in God” removed from Navy youth cards, as well as getting “God Bless America “removed from the tax department and health department facilities shortly after the 9-11-2001 terrorist attack on America.

“I guess it is not a career enhancing move to have your government agency sued, because you stood up to this guy, but someone needs to,” said KSSK’s Perry.

“The DOE is in ‘duck and cover mode’ because of one guy and one letter. There are all kinds of organizations that would be happy to take him on and win. But he wins because they quickly capitulate.”

Perry, who emcees the City Hall Christmas Tree lighting celebration, experienced Kahle’s protests firsthand when Kahle, in front of thousands of children, tried to shout down the Buddhist and Christian religious leaders offering prayers ahead of the tree lighting.

When Perry took the stage, he told the children that “someone probably wouldn’t be getting a visit from Santa Claus”, and their laughter drowned out his Kahle’s protests.

“It is infuriating, this one little gnat keeps buzzing around. That one person who just uses threats can get his way and stop something that will really help people in need.”

There have been government officials who have stood up to Kahle.

House Speaker Calvin Say, a Democrat who represents Palolo, refused to ban prayer in the House of Representatives’ daily sessions even after Senate’s Democrat leadership capitulated.

Despite the ban on prayer in the Senate, Senate Minority Leader Sam Slom also rebuts Kahle’s demands by mentioning God every day in his closing remarks. Kahle is often there with his wife filming Slom.

While the student concert will not go on, New Hope will try to make up for the $30,000 that was promised Mercy Ships, by holding its own concert on Friday, December 7.

The event will take place at 290 Sand Island Access Road at 7:30 p.m.

Ticket holders to The Gift of Hope Charity Concert may use those tickets to attend the New Hope concert. Refunds from the Moanalua Winter program are also available Friday night at New Hope’s weekend services or at Moanalua High School.  Brownstein said all refunds unclaimed after December 21st will be donated to Mercy Ships.

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  1. Kahle should send $30,000 to the charity that the students were going to donate to!! Tell him to put his money behind his actions and words!!

    • How about you all put on the concert WITHOUT the charity part. Enjoy the music. That's what the kids worked hard for using YOUR tax dollars (school facilities, teachers, electricity, etc…) You guys aren't seeing the bigger picture here are you? You're taking this as an attack against your religion. It's not, it's to stop you idiots from using state property for your own gain essentially for free. You want to have a charity event for this religious thing? Church. I'm sure they have excellent acoustics, seats hundreds if not more, best part… it's YOURS.

      • You didn't understand the article. It was a high school run concert, New hope only play's a small part and it was generous enough to match the orchestra's donation to the the charity. Also it was not mentioned as to weather or not Mercy Ships is a religious charity. If you have researched Mercy Ships show the data. It is about religion because the church merely volunteered to help sell tickets because it was for charity and this guy has a beef with it. It's not like they were preaching to the students. They were just trying to help them out. What's so wrong with New Hope Matching their donation when a lot of your ilk claims that churches are just wealthy businesses that take money from the poor to keep for themselves? I guess you don't like it that the church isn't living up to your expectations!

    • Yes, but isn't it funny that the people who do not want to associated with God seems to be the ones who are associated with Satan himself. To stop the raise of that kind of money to help doctors savings the lives of poor kids….well you have to be very religious…Satanic religion…

  2. The State of Hawaii Attorney General's Office… What a bunch of weak p*ssies.

    Perry is right. There is nothing in the Constitution about 'freedom from religion'.

    Kahle… It's like he never left the 10th grade. What an arsehole.


    • misogynist you are – no need to use vulgar language in your response. btw – Freedom from religion.

      • Oh but it is, Liz. Free Exercise of Religion, that means one is able to freely pursue or not pursue the religion of their choice without coercion. It's protected under the Free exercise Clause. And let's not forget the Establishment Clause. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Maybe you should read our cherished document before you spout off things you claim to know about… FOR THE RECORD.

    • yes u tell him kevin the attorney Generals office is corrupt period …… truth….. ask Katane how ever you spell his last name i wish won the prosecutors race.

    • "Separation of church and state" (sometimes "wall of separation between church and state") is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The phrase has since been repeatedly used by the Supreme Court of the United States." -Wikipedia

      I am an atheist, and I think that it is very unfortunate that a high school fundraiser that raises money for a good cause had to be cancelled. I do however support the Freedom from Religion foundation. There needs to be a firm line distancing the church from public education and our government. That means no high school collaborations with religious organizations – the school should have known better.

  3. I consider myself an atheist but I am respectful to others beliefs. These zealots need to get over themselves it's just getting ridiculous at how far they will go and what they will target these days. They need to learn some tolerance, It'd be interesting to see someone take legal action against them spreading their atheist beliefs.

      • no, incorrect. Because I do not believe in the Christian religion does not place me into another category of a religion. Atheism is not a religion. Check your dictionary.

    • You're not an atheist or you would be right there at Mr. Kahle's side keeping the christian religion out of government. You are only an atheist because you call yourself such. What people don't understand is that atheists don't want to destroy the christian or any other religion, we just want you to keep it in your churches or your homes. Please don't try to promote your particular religion on the taxpayer's dime!

    • Right, it's not like government establishment of religion through its public-education arm is forbidden by the Constitution or anything. Nope, no massive legal violations, just one guy hitting a church with his dick.

      Pay attention, huh?

    • and what right is that exactly?
      the right to have Christian propaganda and prayer on every screen and in every mind?
      That's not a right. You don't have a right to proselytize in a Publicly funded forum.
      >>"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:6

      • Well atheists are doing just fine in fighting for their right to have their propaganda every where you look. Just because someone mentions God or plays a Christmas song does not make it propaganda. Because of hypocritical bigotry such as this, hundreds of people will not receive dental or medical care. This freedom of religion only translates into oppression of everyone else so atheists don't have to hear it. If you feel you are so at risk of being converted just from hearing a Christmas song, then pop a couple Xanax and relax. Better yet, how about talking to atheists with common sense and logic. I know plenty I can introduce to you.

    • your rights are like anyone else's rights. Freedom of and from religion. Eventually, we will all evolve into one goal/hope for peace. Please, let us realize our strength together: community. We have the power to make positive changes in our communities and the world. Action toward peace and love will make the difference.

    • No one took away your rights, he stood up for his. Your tradition was unconstitutional. And if you really care you would just donate the money yourself instead of trying to get the public school system to raise money for your religious ventures. How can these so called charities at "Mercy Ships" claim to be helping stamp out diseases in 3rd world countries yet at the same time spreading the biggest disease humanity has ever known. religion.

    • What right was taken? A highschool event that was a front for a religious charity event? Take the money out and nothing would have been said, distribute the funds to other charities that aren't religious in nature… there would have been no problems.

      There is a place for you to practice your traditions… it's not in school, it's in your home and it's in your church.

  4. Prediction: When Mitch Kahle comes to the end of his sorry life to face God Almighty to determine his destiny, God will say, "I have no knowledge of Mitch Kahle – I don't believe in you." Bye bye Mitch, whoever you think you are.

    • Good one, Mike! That goes well with how the xTian God treated those he killed in the Fukushima tsunami last year, or the 9.5 million children who die on this planet every year before they reach the age of 5. Maybe we *should* bow down and cower in fear of this monstrous tyrant Yahweh; maybe we should sing His praises as his representatives in the Catholic Church rape and torture innocent children by the hundreds of thousands. Yes, it all makes sense now…not.

      • Let me help you understand…God is merciful and kind. He does not go out seeking to destroy. If you every picked up a Bible and read I mean really read it you would know this. He sent his only one true son to die for the sins of this world that whom ever shall beleive in him shall be saved. God is full of grace and he is faithful to his words as well as keeps his promises until the end. It is man who doesn't care…it is selfishness, pride, arrogance, and self indulgence that corrupts a persons heart. They rather serve themselves and be their own God when in fact they know deep in there inner soul that God who created us and everything around us in that we should all worship. Sorry that you feel this way about a loving God…who created you and has a great plan for your life. I feel sorry for Kahle to.

      • Actually, no. The bible is one of the best books to read to understand why religion is make believe. It actually shocks me how many christians haven't read the bible. I wish more would.

      • The Bible, including all the different variations and pretty much every other book of mythology like it, are so full of shit we could use it as a methane farm to fuel the world.

    • Every Knee shall BOW and EVERY TOUNGE confess JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. Mitch kahle will bow his knee along with everyone.

      • How can you subscribe to such a totalitarian belief system? It's basically like a celestial North Korea. It's the most revolting and utter and absolute and heartless tyranny the human species has ever evolved. But at least you can fucking die and leave North Korea!
        How morally repugnant.

  5. Amen @AnnoyedAtheist & @Kevin Ronin. The benefactors really lose out. Sad. Let's hope the overwhelming majority of humanity who loves and appreciates (and wants to help) eachother can somehow show people like Kahle how to be compassionate human beings.

  6. His life was already Predestinated…Jehovah God knows all his intentions before Kahle knows it himself…just another one of Gods creation. Remember Jehovah Created the Devil himself!!! Amen and God Bless!

    • "ehovah Created the Devil himself!!! " So, this Jehovah being created evil and allows it to flourish amongst his creation? Some design, eh? So the bloody rampages of Jehovah in the Old Testament…the murder, the genocide, the rape, misogyny, killing after killing after killing…this is all okay? The hating of homosexuals, the murder of babies and children, the mistreatment of women…this is all okay, too?

    • So if God is so great, why doesn't he feed those hungry sick kids in Africa himself? Oh wait, God is a scapegoat, we are to lazy to do it ourselves.

    • Jehovah created the devil so he could see to it that anyone who didn't worship him would be tortured for all eternity in a lake of fire. It always baffles me that christians are willing to worship a needy bully who won't even do his own dirty work.

    • Actually… God created Lucifer as an angel – giving him the free will to choose (just as He did with Adam & Eve). Lucifer choose poorly – and now we all suffer, as his influence in the Garden of Eden left us all under the burden of sin. It's God's desire that we would all CHOOSE Him… but everyone makes that choice for themselves.

  7. It really breaks my heart to see this happening. As a former band member, I always loved performing after putting in all those hours of practice. But to hear about that chance being taken away from the students that worked so hard for this is very upsetting…

    • I don't know why they just didn't hold the concert in something other than the school auditorium. Kahle can't do anything about a concert held outside of a government institution. Just curious why no one can think of an easy solution…

  8. do you really want to punish him? never say his name. never respond to his web, posts, or actions directly. never give him credit. never give him free advertisement. use vague terms, generalize the actions, then help solve the problem by taking it directly to your rep. they all know who he is so no need to mention the name only the incident. it may take a 100 or a 1000 voices to counteract 1, but it will be worth it…especially when he will never hear his name spoken again. pass into the void as a nobody.

    • Thank goodness the federal government has protections against the tyranny of the majority! Otherwise this country would be as backward and oppressive as Saudi Arabia.
      Your reasoning could apply to you too. You would do well to remember that.

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