City Ethics Commission Reveals Details About Investigation Into City Council Member Rod Tam-Rod Tam Sought and Received $22,000 Worth of Reimbursements for Meals Between 2006 and 2009

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Below for your information is a copy of the public version of the Ethics Commission’s Advisory Opinion No. 2010-2 regarding violations of the standards of conduct by Councilmember Rod Tam.

“rod tam ethics investigation file”

The opinion presents a detailed review of the investigation and analysis of several ethical issues. The Commission believes that the opinion is self-explanatory and hopes that you will understand that neither the Commission members nor staff are able to discuss the specifics of the case.

Because of the size of the opinion, we have not included the stipulation and the promissory note that are referenced in the opinion. Those documents should be posted to our web site tomorrow morning, at:, attached to 2010-2.

‘CHARLES W. TOTTO is the Executive Director and Legal Counsel for the Honolulu Ethics Commission in Honolulu, Hawaii’

