City to Hold Airport TOD Plan Community Workshop

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Honolulu International Airport (Photo: Emily Metcalf)
Honolulu International Airport (Photo: Emily Metcalf)

HONOLULU – The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) will hold the first of several community workshops for residents and businesses to create the Airport Area Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan.

The workshop is set for Tuesday, July 22, at the Aliamanu Elementary School Cafeteria, 3265 Salt Lake Boulevard, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided.

The Airport Area TOD Plan will focus on the areas around the rail stations planned at Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Honolulu International Airport, and Lagoon Drive. This neighborhood embodies a broad mix of industrial, commercial, military and residential uses, and it serves as the gateway to the island for arriving air travelers.

Planning for these areas will address local issues related to land use, circulation, infrastructure, and community character. The completed plan will provide a guide — based on a shared vision — for future public and private investment in the neighborhood.

The DPP will hold two more community workshops in the upcoming months before a draft plan is presented to the community for review.  Citizen participation is key to a successful TOD plan, and the DPP is seeking a diverse set of community members to share their ideas and priorities, as well as concerns.

The Airport Area TOD Plan is one of eight neighborhood plans being developed by the DPP for 19 stations along the city’s 20-mile rail transit line that will lay out the foundation for improvements in the area. The Waipahu Neighborhood TOD Plan recently was adopted by the Honolulu City Council, and the DPP will begin the planning process for the Aloha Stadium Station Area Plan later this year.

For more information, visit, or call Renee Espiau at 768-8050.

