CONGRESS.ORG: How Hawaii’s Elected Officials Voted – February 6, 2012

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February 6, 2012 – In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes

Senate: STOCK Act

House: Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security Act
House: Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011
House: Baseline Reform Act of 2011
House: FAA Modernization and Reform Act

Upcoming Congressional Bills

Senate: FAA Modernization and Reform Act
Senate: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act

House: Expedited Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011
House: STOCK Act

Recent Senate Votes

STOCK Act – Vote Passed (96-3, 1 Not Voting)

This Senate bill would strengthen rules prohibiting lawmakers, Capitol Hill staff and some executive branch officials from using confidential information to buy or sell stocks. The House is expected to take up the bill this week.

  • Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES
  • Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES

Recent House Votes

Fiscal Responsibility and Retirement Security Act – Vote Passed (267-159, 6 Not Voting)

The House voted to repeal the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program, a provision in the 2010 health care law that was intended to provide long-term care but was suspended after the Department of Health and Human Services determined it could not be solvent for 75 years as required by the law. The bill’s future in the Senate is unclear.

  • Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO
  • Rep. Mazie Hirono voted NO

Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2011 – Vote Passed (242-179, 11 Not Voting)

This House measure would require the CBO to assess a bill’s impact on long-term economic growth. The Senate is unlikely to take up the bill.

  • Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO
  • Rep. Mazie Hirono voted NO

Baseline Reform Act of 2011 – Vote Passed (235-177, 20 Not Voting)

This House bill would stop the Congressional Budget Office from incorporating inflation increases into its spending projections. The Senate is unlikely to take up the bill.

  • Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO
  • Rep. Mazie Hirono voted NO

FAA Modernization and Reform Act – Vote Passed (248-169, 15 Not Voting)

The House passed this conference report authorizing $15.9 billion per year through 2015 for the Federal Aviation Administration. The Senate is scheduled to take up the measure this week.

  • Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted YES
  • Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES

Upcoming Votes
FAA Modernization and Reform Act – H.R.658

The Senate is scheduled to take up the FAA authorization conference report.

Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act – S.1813

The Senate may also take up a two-year, $109 billion highway bill.

Expedited Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011 – H.R.3521

This House bill would give the president a line-item veto over discretionary spending bills.

STOCK Act – S.2038

The House is expected to take up this bill to curb stock trading by legislators and staff based on confidential information.

