How Hawaii’s Elected Officials Voted – July 5, 2011

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In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes

Senate: Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011
Senate: Confirmation of David H. Petraeus to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Upcoming Congressional Bills

Senate: Libya authorization

House: FY2012 Defense Appropriations
House: Fiscal 2012 Energy-Water Appropriations
House: Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011

Recent Senate Votes

Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011 – Vote Passed (79-20, 1 Not Voting)

This bill would reduce the number of executive branch appointees requiring Senate approval. Its future in the House is unclear.

  • Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES
  • Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES

Confirmation of David H. Petraeus to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency – Vote Confirmed (94-0, 6 Not Voting)

Army Gen. David H. Petraeus was confirmed to be the new CIA director. Petraeus, currently the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, is expected to begin work in September.

  • Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES
  • Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES

Upcoming Votes

Libya authorization – S.J.RES.20

The Senate is scheduled to debate this resolution authorizing limited use of the U.S. military in Libya.

FY2012 Defense Appropriations – H.R.2219

The House is scheduled to work on this $650 billion bill funding Defense Department operations for the upcoming fiscal year.

Fiscal 2012 Energy-Water Appropriations – H.R.2354

The House may also take up this $30.7 billion bill funding the Energy Department and other water projects for the upcoming fiscal year.

Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011 – H.R.1309

This House bill would reauthorize and overhaul the National Flood Insurance Program.

