County initiative combats unwanted mail and saves landfill space

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REPORT FROM KAUAI COUNTY – County officials today announced the launch of an initiative that’s designed to combat unwanted mail and save landfill space.

The Stop Unwanted Mail program allows residents to stop the delivery of unwanted phone books, catalogs, coupons and credit card solicitations by opting out online at

The program is a partnership between the County of Kaua’i and Catalog Choice Mail Preference Service, and is part of the county’s overall efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and move towards sustainability.

“I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to go green. By doing our part to minimize waste, we can conserve our natural resources, reduce pollution, and save money on waste disposal costs,” said Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr.

The mayor also noted that the new program will enable the County Recycling Office to track the efforts of residents and businesses to reduce unwanted mail.

Specific information that will be obtained through the Stop Unwanted Mail program include: number of trees saved; pounds of greenhouse gas reduced; gallons of water saved; and the amount of solid waste diverted from the landfill.

To sign up for the free program, residents will need to register online at the Catalog Choice website, and input information on the mail they want to eliminate. Catalog Choice will then contact the companies that send the mail, and request that the participants’ preferences be honored.

Registered users can return to the Catalog Choice website at any time to continue to reduce unwanted mail.

The mission of Catalog Choice is to reduce the number of repeat and unwanted catalog mailings, and to promote the adoption of the sustainable industry’s best practices.

For more information about waste diversion, call the County Recycling Office at 241-4837 or visit their website

