KANEOHE – Eleven Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders were in Hawaii this week as a part of the team’s effort to reach out to military families stationed here.
Over the weekend, the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders worked with grade school cheerleaders whose parents are stationed at the Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders also attended three separate events on Monday, including one at Barking Sands on Kauai and two others on Oahu.
Their coordinator, Dan Devens, told Hawaii Reporter that the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders left Dallas Dec. 7 to begin a Pacific tour in support of the military and their families.
The cheerleaders traveled to Yokota Air Base in Japan and to a Naval base and Air Force base in Guam, where they put on free youth fitness clinics for both boys and girls in partnership with a retired army master sergeant.
After working with about 300 children across the Pacific, the cheerleaders wrapped up their tour in Hawaii and return to Dallas in time for the next Dallas Cowboys game.
This is the 78th tour in 37 years that the cheerleaders have made in support of America’s troops.
Devens said the cheerleaders go overseas “to thank people who are protecting our country.”