Department of Health Cites Companies for Air Permit and Pollution Violations to Ensure Clean Air

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The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Clean Air Branch (CAB) has issued Notices of Violations and Orders against Law Tieng’s Farm LLC and Edwin Deluz Trucking and Gravel LLC for air permit and pollution violations. The violations were discovered during an inspection or records review by the DOH.


The CAB protects the people and environment of Hawaii by monitoring air quality and regulating businesses that release pollutants into the air. The branch reviews and approves air permits, evaluates and enforces state and federal air standards, conducts inspections, and investigates reported incidents related to outdoor air quality. Through the air permit process, the DOH ensures companies comply with state and federal emission standards to minimize air pollution impacts on the public.


In general, penalties are assessed on violators to remove any economic benefit they may have gained from their noncompliance and put them in a worse situation than those who comply with the law. All fines are paid into a revolving special fund used to prevent or minimize damage to the environment.


The following companies were cited:

  • Law Tieng’s Farm LLC in Kunia, Oahu, for an open burning violation. On April 16, 2013, a DOH inspector observed burning of plastic wrapping, plastic bags and other material in a dirt pit on the farm. A penalty of $2,200 has been paid.
  • Edwin DeLuz Trucking and Gravel LLC in Kapoaula Quarry, Hamakua Island of Hawaii, for submitting late semi-annual reports, annual emission reports and annual fee. The company has a permit for 265 tons per hour stone crushing and screening plant. A penalty of $1,800 has been issued.





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