Diamond Head Theatre Presents ‘Legally Blonde, the Musical’

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Diamond Head Theatre (DHT) proudly presents, “Legally Blonde The Musical”

Playing the bubbly and outgoing sorority star “Elle Woods,” is Jody Bill. The cast also features Elle’s brash, but caring hair stylist “Paulette” played by Megan Mount, Elle’s good-looking, but shallow boyfriend “Warner Huntington III” played by David Bachler, and the smart and sensitive law student “Emmett” played by Joel Libed. 

The cast would not be complete without Elle Woods dog, “Bruiser,” who will be played by Bobby Gorgeous.

THE STORY:  Elle Woods doesn’t take “no” for an answer.  So when her boyfriend dumps her for someone “serious,” Elle puts down the credit card, hits the books, and sets out to go where no Delta Nu has gone before: Harvard Law.  Of course, she’s the laughing stock of her class, but Elle proves them all wrong and discovers not only a passion for law, but the inner-strength to be more than just someone’s girlfriend.  An award-winning, high energy Broadway hit!

“Legally Blonde The Musical” will be playing from July 19 – August 4, 2013. Performances are at 8 p.m. Thursday – Saturday, 4 p.m. Sunday, and Saturday matinees at 3 p.m. on July 27 and August 3.

Call 733-0274 to charge by phone or purchase tickets online at www.diamondheadtheatre.com.

Show sponsors:  Kraft Foods Hawaii, A&B Foundation, Sheraton Waikiki Resort, American Savings Bank, Athena Clinic and Virginia Taran.

Heralded as the “Broadway of the Pacific,” Diamond Head Theatre has delivered the best live community theatrical entertainment since 1915.  The theatre showcases Hawaii’s finest local talent, frequently brings in guest artists, and supports performance arts education through a variety of community programs, including the acclaimed Shooting Stars program.

