Did All Imagination Sail Away With the Ferry?

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Here’s hoping Hawaii’s People someday tire of today’s “Born Again Nativism” whose converts believe God gave their bloodlines all land forever, and the right to impose outdated cultures eternally. Perhaps then we’ll get leaders to end childish political mud wrestling by people who never learned the purpose of service in public office is “Good Governance” — not “politics”.

Intelligent, educated, industrious, grownup leaders like those who gave Hawaii a canal to create Waikiki, Maui’s magnificent irrigation system to deliver water today’s lesser people squabble over – not add to, the Reef Runway, and more.

Leaders who’d just mix cement with all that trash to form giant blocks. Then use them to push Sand Island a few miles into the empty ocean.

Add land instead of consuming it. Add millions of property tax. Empty Oahu’s inner harbor of ugly shipping leaving a priceless recreational, tourism and residential resource. Reduce Oahu’s land shortage to reduce home prices. Show Hawaii’s children they are masters of the future, not its helpless victims.

100 years ago, Hawaii’s leaders considered that kids stuff. Sadly today’s “leaders”, like timid kids, find if too scary and too complicated. Too bad.

George L. Berish is a resident of Honolulu

