Discovering the way of Kabbalah

Activating 10 Divine Energies of the Tree of Life

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You’ve probably seen pictures of the Tree of Life, from the Jewish mystical tradition known as Kabbalah. It symbolizes the cosmos as a whole and the human body.

While it might at first seem esoteric, the Tree of Life actually offers a multidimensional map of energy that, when we learn how to work with it spiritually, can lead to greater wisdom, love and a profound sense of reverence for life.

It’s both metaphysical AND practical.

If you haven’t explored the Kabbalah or would like to deepen your awareness of how it represents a path of transformation, you’ll have a chance to meet Rabbi David Ingber, a compelling modern teacher of Kabbalah.

Rabbi David will open this “map of consciousness” and show you how you can use it to create a life that’s wise, loving and whole.

RSVP here for this FREE virtual event: Discovering the Way of Kabbalah: Activating the 10 Divine Energies of the Tree of Life

In this beautiful hour with Rabbi David, you’ll receive insights that draw from ancient tradition but can be applied in a modern context for Jews and non-Jews alike.

You’ll also:

  • Receive the key foundations to understanding the Tree of Life, as well as how it relates to your spiritual practice
  • Understand how this Jewish mystical tradition can bring you into right relationship with your body, mind and life
  • Discover how to balance different energies as you engage with family, friends, work and other relationships
  • Begin the profound journey of Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for “world repair”)

More than anything, this free call event will expand your understanding of life and the cosmos. You’ll begin to see with the “divine eyes” that this system represents, as well as open to the deeper meaning of words, numbers and symbols, which are connected to the 10 energies.

Register now for the free, online event: Discovering the Way of Kabbalah. Rabbi David Ingber will share a multidimensional map of consciousness that will help you unlock greater wisdom, love and reverence for the sacred in all of life.

This event is free and a recording of the replay will be provided — all you need to do is register

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