Djou Receives Key Committee Assignments

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By Kenny Amazaki, Djou spokesperson

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Charles Djou (HI-01) received two key committee assignments today on the important House Budget and Armed Services Committees as he begins serving Hawaii’s First Congressional District.  Congressman Djou issued the following statements after his new appointments:

The House Budget Committee is responsible for drafting Congress’ annual budget plan and monitoring action on the budget for the Federal Government.

“Fiscal responsibility and accountability remain my top priorities in Congress.  Every family in Hawaii has to balance its budget and so should the federal government.  The last thing we want to see happen in our nation is what is currently happening in Greece.  If we don’t take care of our ballooning budget deficit and growing national debt that’s exactly what’s going to happen here in the United States.  As a member of the House Budget Committee, I will work hard to pave the way for a balanced budget and put an end to wasteful government spending.  I will also ensure that Hawaii receives the funds it deserves but also that those funds come to us fairly through an open and transparent budget process.”

The House Armed Services Committee is responsible for promoting a strong national defense and providing essential support to our men and women in uniform, including those currently serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“As we continue our mission to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan and Iraq, we must also keep our commitments to our troops.  Our uniformed men and women make up the most capable fighting force in the world and I am honored to be an advocate of their cause in this Congress.  Home to key military bases and stations, thousands of military personnel and various strategic operations, Hawaii also plays a unique and critical role in our national security.  To cope with the diverse and challenging threats facing our nation, America must maintain its strong military and Hawaii must retain its central role in military preparedness.  I proudly serve as a Captain in the United States Army Reserve and understand that we must combat terrorism wherever it is found, whether in Iran, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, or cities around the world.  As a member of the Armed Services Committee I will continue to support a national plan to protect our families and keep our country safe.”




  1. […] Whether it be ignorance, naivety or just plain disinterest, there is a lot going on in the world right now. I haven’t begun to scratch the surface of what’s going on around us. The more interesting part is this: there’s only going to be more news in the coming weeks. Major sports Championships will be decided along with the World Cup, BP MIGHT do something to stop the oil leak, candidates for the governorship of Hawaii are starting to appear, Linda Lingle has yet to decide on civil unions and Charles Djou is in Congress (already off to a bad start in my opinion). […]

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