Duke Aiona Best Hawaii Gubernatorial Candidate

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Surrounded by family and friends, Lt. Governor Duke Aiona on Thursday filed his official paperwork with the Office of Elections to serve the people of Hawaii as Governor. The leading Republican candidate for Governor will face the majority party candidate in an historic election that will help shape the political landscape for the next four years.

“I am running for Governor to ensure balance, integrity and good judgment in state government, while reducing the financial burden on our working families and small businesses, creating jobs and investing in the quality of education,” Lt. Governor Aiona said. “Nothing is more important than creating jobs and strengthening the economy, reforming public education, and moving toward a clean energy future.”

(Click the image above to watch Duke’s address)

Duke Aiona’s candidacy presents a clear alternative to his political opponents of the majority political party.

He is the only candidate who is calling for a comprehensive, independent audit of the Department of Education.

He is the only candidate who will keep down the financial burden on our working families and small businesses.

Duke Aiona is also the only candidate who will keep intact the Hawai`i Clean Energy Initiative to generate 70 percent or more of our energy through energy efficiency and clean, renewable resources by the year 2030.

Submitted by Team Aiona

