Economist Reports on Economic Impact of Housing in City & County of Honolulu

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BY KAREN IWAMOTO –Dr. Elliot Eisenberg, Senior Economist of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), will present the results of his study “The Economic Impact of Housing in the City and County of Honolulu” on Friday, December 10, 2010, at 10:30 12 noon at the Dole Cannery Ballrooms.

This presentation is sponsored by Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii, Inc.

Dr. Eisenberg’s study was commissioned by the Building Industry Association of Hawaii (BIA-Hawaii), an affiliate of the NAHB.  The results of the study will focus on the income, jobs and taxes produced by the home building industry in Honolulu.  Home building generates substantial local economic activity, including new income and jobs for residents and additional revenue for local governments.

Handouts of Dr. Eisenberg’s presentation will be available at the event.  Construction Industry members, governmental decision-makers, the academic community and the business community have been invited to hear Dr. Eisenberg.

