EPA Issues 2013 Toxic Release Inventory Data for Hawaii, Pacific

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EPA LOGOREPORT FROM THE EPA – SAN FRANCISCO – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its annual Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) report that showed that the majority of toxic chemicals managed at industrial facilities in the U.S. were not released into the environment. Nationally in 2013, approximately 84 percent of the 26 billion pounds of toxic chemicals were managed through the use of preferred practices such as recycling.

Of the 4 billion pounds that were disposed of or otherwise released to the environment, 66 percent went to land, 19 percent to air, 5 percent to water, and 10 percent was transferred to other facilities. Individual factsheets for the Pacific Southwest Region states and territories were also made available today.

“We all have a right to know what toxic chemicals are being used and released into our environment, and what progress companies are making to reduce, recycle or prevent waste from being generated in the first place,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “This year, our online database known as the TRI Explorer is more robust than ever, and we encourage the public to make use of the extensive information available there.”

In the TRI, a “release” generally refers to a chemical that is emitted to the air, water, or placed in some type of land disposal unit. Most of these releases are subject to a variety of regulatory requirements designed to limit human and environmental harm.

TRI data is submitted annually to EPA, states, and tribes by facilities in industry sectors such as manufacturing, metal mining, electric utilities, and commercial hazardous waste. Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), by July 1 of each year facilities must report their toxic chemical releases for the prior year. The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 also requires facilities to submit information on pollution prevention and other waste management activities related to TRI chemicals.

Pacific Southwest State Highlights:

A total of 35 facilities reported 3 million pounds of toxic chemical releases during 2013. Hawaii’s total reported on-site and off-site releases increased when compared to the 2.7 million pounds reported in 2012. AES Hawaii Inc., and Hawaiian Electric Co.’s Kahe Generating Station, both electric generation utilities, were the top two facilities for total on-site and off-site releases. For detailed Hawaii information and the list of the top facilities, please see the state fact sheet at: https://iaspub.epa.gov/triexplorer/tri_factsheet.factsheet_forstate?&pstate=HI&pyear=2013&pDataSet=TRIQ1

The TRI report is available in a new interactive, web-based format called “TRI Explorer” that features analyses and interactive maps showing data at a state, county, city, and zip code level. In addition, information about industry efforts to reduce pollution is accessible through the expanded TRI Pollution Prevention (P2) Search Tool, where the public can now identify P2 successes and compare environmental performance among facilities and companies that provide data to the TRI program.

To access the 2013 TRI National Analysis report, including long-term trends and localized analyses, visit www.epa.gov/tri/nationalanalysis.

More information on facility efforts to reduce toxic chemical releases, including the new P2 parent company comparison report, is available at www.epa.gov/tri/p2.

EPA is hosting a TRI Database training webinar for credentialed news media on Thursday, January 15, 2014, 7 AM to 8 AM PST. Dial: (877) 887-8949Conference ID: 65736376. Web: https://epa.connectsolutions.com/r17ygi0p689/.

For more information on U.S. EPA’s Pacific Southwest region News and Events, please visit: https://www.epa.gov/region9/newsevents/

