Ewa Beach Residents Form Non Profit to Prepare Communities for Emergencies

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HONOLULU – A group of Ewa Beach residents has taken initiative to help prepare its neighbors for the next impending natural or manmade disaster by forming the Ewa Emergency Preparedness Committee (Ewa EPC).  Members come from diverse backgrounds but share a common goal of getting their community disaster-ready.

Ewa EPC formed following the mass power outage and tsunami warning in March when it became evident that Ewa Beach was not fully prepared for the potential emergencies that the area faces.

“We hope to communicate to our neighbors in Ewa Beach and across Hawaii that our government will not have the resources to offer aid to everyone quickly in an emergency situation.  It may take days or weeks for help to come, so we all need to take responsibility,” said Cheri Villberg, Secretary of Ewa EPC.

Members’ backgrounds range from expert to novice, but all are stepping up to make a difference.  First on the agenda is raising awareness through the “Get Ready Ewa Beach” Emergency Preparedness Fair.  The group has also begun to develop a community-wide plan for involving all Ewa Beach residents.

The fair will take place on September 24, 2011, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Ewa Makai Middle School in Ewa Beach.  It will focus on tsunami and hurricane preparedness, how to create a family plan, supply kits, evacuations, health emergencies and insurance.

For more details or to inquire about hosting a booth, call Kaylee Skaar at 586-9730.

