Exciting Opportunity Announced for Graduating Hawaii Seniors -Governor Lingle announced this week that two students from Hawaii will be selected to represent the state in the prestigious National Youth Science Camp in West Virginia’s Monongahela National Forest this summer

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    The month-long program honors academic excellence in science and promotes scientific leadership through its lecture series, hands-on research and education activities and challenging outdoor adventures. The program, which was initiated in 1963, encourages America’s youth to pursue high-level scientific careers and apply their science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education skills.

    Two members of Hawaii’s 2010 graduating class who have shown exceptional science and mathematics skills as well as excellent leadership abilities will be selected to attend this rigorous camp.

    “This is an incredible opportunity for two deserving graduating seniors from Hawai`i who have excelled academically in science and math and are interested in advancing their education in these fields in college as well as laying a foundation for their chosen careers,” said Governor Lingle. “Hawaii students are making great progress in learning and applying science, technology, engineering and math skills, and I encourage our graduating seniors to apply for the National Youth Science Camp.”

    Expenses for the students’ participation, including travel, will be paid for by the National Youth Science Foundation, which receives generous support from foundations, individuals, corporations, and the State of West Virginia.

    West Virginia’s Monongahela National Forest.

    The two delegates (and two alternates) will be chosen in a competitive process by a review committee made up of university educators and professionals in the science, engineering and technology fields.

    The review committee members include:

