Fighting to Restore Oahu Bus Service

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BY COUNCIL MEMBER TOM BERG – Please consider helping your neighbors dependent upon city bus service to regain this core function of government – for the City’s attempt to cut bus services even more is not the way to go . . . we need to restore all bus routes that were cut and stop the termination of even more routes planned to be cut – slated to take affect mid August.

Please consider coming to Honolulu Hale on August 15 to support resolutions 12-173 and 12-177 that I authored – please see agenda by clicking here.

A youtube covering residents trying to save the bus:


The full Budget Committee meeting video covering the passage in committee of resolutions 12-173 and 12-177– the hearing itself . . . the resolutions are up for adoption (full council passage) on August 15 – please consider watching the video to get the background on what is at stake here.


