Five-Point Plan for Student Success and Progress Resulting in Gains

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Graphic: Emily Metcalf

REPORT FROM THE DOE – The Hawaii State Department of Education (DOE) has made significant progress in its Race to the Top (RTTT) goals, according to several notable accomplishments highlighted in a two-year report released today. Hawaii has completed more than 90 percent of its RTTT grant deliverables in the past 24 months.

“The significant strides in this Hawaii Race to the Top report reflect the extraordinary accomplishments of our educators and their commitment to prepare graduates for college or careers,” said Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. “A newly revised Board of Education/DOE strategic plan has fully aligned our efforts to transform Hawaii’s public education system. Teachers, administrators and community partners are working hard on this transformation and we are seeing widespread success.”

Hawaii was the only state that demonstrated significant reading and math gains by fourth and eighth graders in the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress.

“Our reform efforts are making a positive difference in our schools, and we are pleased with our progress,” added Stephen Schatz, assistant superintendent for the DOE Office of Strategic Reform. “The two-year report provides a snapshot of the exciting gains being made in our reform plan.”

The two-year RTTT report outlines the following five-point reform plan and actions for student success:

  • Aligning Organizational Functions to Support Reform Outcomes
  • Tying Rigorous College-and-Career-Ready Standards and Assessments to a Statewide Curriculum
  • Improving Data Collection and Use
  • Cultivating, Supporting, and Leveraging Effective Teaching and Leading
  • Providing Targeted Support to Struggling Schools and Students (Zones of School Innovation — ZSI)
  • Hawaii’s comprehensive five-point reform plan is aligned with a revised strategic plan. In July 2012, the Hawaii State Board of Education (BOE) unanimously approved an updated BOE/DOE Strategic Plan. ( new plan builds on strategies and initiatives to ensure all students are college-and career-ready.

In August 2010, the U.S. DOE awarded Hawaii with a four-year $75 million RTTT grant. In December 2011, Hawaii was placed on high-risk status. U.S. DOE officials have since acknowledged Hawaii’s progress in implementing important reforms, including programs to support educator effectiveness.

The RTTT two-year report showcases those improvements by stating, “The state has made great strides in establishing a new teacher evaluation system based partially on student outcomes…In April 2012, the BOE passed new policies requiring the DOE to implement new teacher and principal evaluation statewide for the 2013 – 2014 school year.”

The report also highlights achievements made to turn around low-achieving schools, particularly in the ZSI, where community partners have played a key role in ensuring success. They include the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation, Kamehameha Schools, AT&T, Hawaii 3R’s, Hawaiian Electric Industries and the Hawaii Business Roundtable.

“We are very grateful to the support of our community partners,” stated Superintendent Matayoshi. “These partners are active and dedicated to seeing that the transformation that is taking place continues.”

To read or download a copy of Hawaii’s two-year RTTT report, please visit and click on the “reports” tab.




  1. We have witnessed several significant changes in education system now days. Due to the rapid changes in education system students are getting beneficial policies and education facilities; therefore as a result student's growth and success rates are also rapidly growing in every education organization.

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