Former Lt. Governor Duke Aiona Launches Mediation Practice

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BY TRAVIS TAYLOR FOR DUKE AIONA – Former Lt. Governor James “Duke” Aiona, Jr. today announced he will reopen his private mediation, arbitration and consulting practice, JRA Inc., in May and start a new chapter in his distinguished career in public service.

Aiona will focus on family law and serve on a distinguished panel of neutrals for Dispute Prevention & Resolution, Inc. (DPR), a leading provider of dispute resolution services.

“I’m excited about this new opportunity to bring people together,” said Aiona, former judge for district family court and the First Circuit Court. “I’ve been blessed to serve the people of Hawaii in different ways, and this is another challenge I’m looking forward to.”

Aiona has served as executive vice president of development and recruitment at Saint Louis School since January 2011, where his accomplishments include restructuring the development office, implementing a donor cultivation program, improving external communications activities and exceeding revenue goals.

“We’re going to miss Duke, and we extend him our best wishes and support for his new endeavor,” said Walter Kirimitsu, Saint Louis School president. “At Saint Louis School, Duke showed his leadership and character every day, helping our young men participate in a story we can all be proud of.”

Before being elected by the people of Hawaii to serve two terms as Lt. Governor, beginning in 2002, Aiona served as the principal of his own mediation, arbitration and consulting firm.

“Being a small business owner provides me with the flexibility I need to take on different challenges that may arise,” added Aiona, who has dedicated virtually all his adult life to public service.

Aiona has served the public as a city prosecutor, city attorney, state judge, and for eight years as Lt. Governor. Throughout his career, Duke led the fight against crime and illegal drugs while working to strengthen Hawaii’s families and promote Hawaii’s businesses. In addition to serving as a family court judge, Aiona was primary architect of the innovative Hawaii Drug Court, of which he became the first administrative judge. A graduate of Saint Louis School and University of the Pacific, Aiona earned his law degree from the University of Hawaii.




  1. This is good. Honolulu Family Court is moving cases towards mediation. I am positive that Mr. Aiona will bring much talent and skills to the mediation area which is lacking talented selection of attorneys. A lot of attorneys who are in mediation or who offer mediation on a pay for hour basis do so without really looking into all of the merits of the case. Aiona brings his Christian philosophy to the table. A change in mediation practice is coming. Aiona has a great base support in his education of St. Louis, his alma mater.

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