Free the Chapmans-An Appeal to The Government of the United States of America and the Government of Mexico

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In 2003 Duane Chapman known as “Dog the Bounty Hunter” along with Leland Chapman and Tim Chapman were arrested in Mexico as they apprehended serial rapist Andrew Luster. At their own expense, they did what the Federal Government could not or would not do. They had with them a Mexican police officer (as demanded in Mexico). After the apprehension of Luster, all four men were arrested by the Mexican police.

While in Mexico, Luster was living under an assumed name. Luster was not extradited to the United States. He was cuffed and taken to the border where U.S. authorities were waiting for him. All done in a record 36 hours. Luster was expelled from Mexico because he did not have proper identification and paperwork.

The Chapmans spent seven days in a Mexican jail cell. They suffered public shame and humiliation after being arreste. They had to pay for court costs and attorneys fees. They were placed under house arrest. This is certainly enough punishment. Anything more the Chapmans should have to endure by the Mexican government constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

In 1990, the U.S. DEA hired Mexican bounty hunters for $50,000 to abduct Mexican citizen, Dr. Humberto Alvarez-Machain, who was only suspected of a crime. They brought him to the United States where he could be officially charged. After a judge determined there was not enough evidence to take Dr. Humberto Alvarez-Machain to trial, he returned to Mexico. He then filed suit against the U.S. Government and the Bounty Hunters.

These Mexican bounty hunters are currently living in the United States as a members of the witness protection program. The $25,000 judgment against Jose Fransico Sosa, one of the bounty hunters, was overturned by the higher courts.

The United States Government fought to protect itself and the Mexican bounty hunters from the monetary damages that could have been imposed by their decision to do just what the Chapmans did. They have gone out of their way to protect the lives of the Mexican bounty hunters they hired. Why is this same United States Government not fighting to protect the Chapmans?

We the people of the United States of America ”’demand”’ that the United States Government immediately exercise some common sense by refusing this extradition request and release the Chapmans from the threat of extradition.

We the people of the United States of America ”’demand”’ that the Mexican Government immediately exercise some common sense and drop all pending charges against the Chapman’s and release them from the threat of extradition and/or prosecution.

”’John Buffam, a resident of Florida, can be reached via email at – To sign his online petition, log onto”’

