Free Training Workshop on Coastal Construction and the New Flood Insurance Program

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BY DEBORAH WARD – The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and FEMA Region IX are offering a valuable four-hour training opportunity in February for engineers, architects, surveyors and community officials that deal with floodplain development in high risk coastal zones. The workshop is free but seating will be limited, so early registration is encouraged by January 19, 2011.

Currently all four counties are undergoing mapping revisions to update coastal flood risk maps based on FEMA’s recently completed Hurricane Flood Insurance Risk Study.

This workshop will go over the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations for development in a coastal high hazard flood zone.

Topics will include:

  • Background on the National Flood Insurance Program
  • Understanding the importance of the Flood Insurance Rate maps
  • Floodplain Management Regulations for Coastal Development
  • County building Permit Process (presented by county floodplain managers)
  • Flood Insurance implications for structures built in a VE

Speakers will be: Sarah Owen,  Natural Hazard Specialist, FEMA Region IX, Oakland California, and Carol Tyau-Beam, State NFIP Coordinator, DLNR.

Workshop dates and locations are:

  • Hawaii County – 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Tuesday, Feb. 1at the Aupuni Conference Center, 101 Pauahi St., Hilo.
  • Honolulu County –  8 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesday, Feb. 2 at the Ala Wai Golf Clubhouse, 4040 Kapahulu Ave., Honolulu
  • Maui County –  8 a.m. to 12 noon on Thursday, Feb. 10 at the Pacific Disaster Center, 1305 North Holopono St., Kihei
  • Kauai County – 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Friday, Feb. 11 at Kauai Civil Defense Emergency Operating Center, 3990 Kaana St. #100, Lihue.

Registration forms may be downloaded at Mail completed application form to DLNR Engineering Division Attn: Ms. Kristen Akamine, P.O. Box 373, Honolulu, HI 96809. For more information call Kristen Akamine at 587-0281 or Jerome Acadimia at 587-0254.

Deborah Ward is a DLNR Public information specialist

