Free TWC WiFi Access Offered at Royal Hawaiian Center

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Waikiki – Royal Hawaiian Center guests are now able to shop, dine, and relax with the added convenience of free WiFi access, at the largest WiFi Hotspot installation in Waikīkī. Free WiFi is now available throughout the second and third floors of Royal Hawaiian Center, provided by Oceanic Time Warner Cable.

“Previously, free WiFi was available only in the Center’s Pā‘ina Lāna‘i Food Court”, according to Royal Hawaiian Center general manager Marleen ‘Ākau, “but now our mainland and international visitors as well as our local resident customers can surf the Internet at lightning-fast speeds on the upper levels within all three blocks of Royal Hawaiian Center, along Kalākaua Avenue”. Whether checking e-mail outside Bob’s Ukelele or posting photos of free Hawaiian hula class in Building C, Royal Hawaiian Center guests will not miss a beat because they’ll be connected. “This project is the second largest TWC WiFi installation in the state of Hawai‘i, second only to the Stan Sheriff Center,” stated ‘Ākau. “In an increasingly mobile and technology-driven world, we’re proud to offer our customers the security and convenience of knowing that when they’re at Royal Hawaiian Center they’re connected.”

The Center and Oceanic Time Warner Cable initiated and completed the job of laying this premier WiFi system in the state of Hawai‘i in 2013. The installation of high-capacity fiber optic cable allows hundreds of users to log-on and surf the web simultaneously. The service is free of charge for two hours, every day. Thereafter, the TWC (Time Warner Cable) Access Pass will be available for $2.95 for one (1) hour/ $6.95 for a day/ $19.95 for a week and $49.95 for a monthly plan. The TWC Access Pass payment options include all major credit cards, JCB, BC Global and International Diner’s Club. On-site promotional signage as well as the WiFi sign-in portal will be available in multiple languages.

For information on Royal Hawaiian Center, visit our website at or call Guest Services at (808) 922-2299. Follow Royal Hawaiian Center on Instagram @RoyalHwnCtr, Twitter @RoyalHwnCtr, or “Like” us on Facebook at




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