Frogs are Green-Making Money on the Coqui

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The tiny coqui frog, now as much a part of the Hawaiian landscape as the gecko, offers
a unique money making opportunity for those fortunate enough to have them.

The sound of these musical frogs is legendary and adored in Puerto Rico and throughout
the Caribbean. However, loss of habitat, disease and pollution threatens native frog populations there, making Hawaii the world’s foremost sanctuary, and source, for coquis.

This means dollars for Hawaii’s ecotourism industry. Nature hungry tourists wanting to
hear the tropical ambiance created by choruses of chirping coquis can now come to Hawaii for this
increasingly rare experience.

There are millions of frog lovers throughout the world. Instead of
spending millions each year to burn frogs to death by spraying acid into the forests, Hawaii can be
making millions each year by promoting our coquis.

In fact, this March 1, 2007, is the official opening of the Hawaiian Coqui Frog
Sanctuary and Nature Preserve, on the Big Island. This 67-acre ecotourism destination boasts a petting
zoo, miles of trails through pristine forests, and the first

