Gabbard Holds Legislative Informational Briefings on Climate Change and Invasive Species

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HONOLULU – January 9, 2012 – The Senate Committee on Energy and Environment and the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection will be holding joint informational briefings on invasive species and on climate change.

On Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 10 a.m. in the State Capitol’s room 325, the committees will be updated on invasive species threatening our environment and resources by various agencies that deal with combating invasive species.  Participants will include:  Coordinating Group on Alien Pet Species, Watershed Partnerships, Big Island Invasive Species Committee, Kaua‘i Invasive Species Committee, Maui Invasive Species Committee, Moloka‘i Invasive Species Committee, O‘ahu Invasive Species Committee, state Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources, state Department of Agriculture Plant Pest Control, state Department of Agriculture Plant Quarantine Branch and the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council.

“It is vital to our ecosystem that we receive the most updated information on invasive species so that we can better understand how we can prevent invasive species from entering Hawai‘i and to combat those that get through in order to bring them under control,” said Senate Committee on Energy and Environment Chair Mike Gabbard.

On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 1 p.m. in the State Capitol’s room 325, the committees will be briefed on climate change and its impact on Hawai‘i.  The following departments have been invited to provide information:  UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Center for Island Climate Adaptation and Policy, NOAA Climate Services Division and State Office of Planning.

“Climate change affects our environment, our native species, our infrastructure and our very way of life.  It’s crucial for us to learn the scope and ramifications of climate change in the foreseeable future so that we can plan to reduce and mitigate the resulting impacts,” said Senate Committee on Energy and Environment Chair Mike Gabbard.

No public testimony will be accepted at both informational briefings. For more information, contact Senator Gabbard’s office at 586-6830.





  1. This is a wonderful beginning at opening the dialogue on the existing models of climate change.
    The unfortunate circumstance of the originating models of climate change are not complete, continue to astound with inadequacy.
    The habitat of all mammals that migrate have never been factored into the equation, the movement of migration on the ecosystems and other kingdoms, the disruption of the other kingdoms both flora and fauna due to changing migration patterns and the whole destruction of species and sub-species when newer species move in on foreign areas in a fight for new resources, against new prey, old species having new predators. Who wins?
    A drama on earth in this, the 21st century, like none humanity has ever witnessed before. The upending of life’s food chain, the evaporating of ocean and sea bodies, calamitous storms as our earth fights to maintain a delicate balance that humanity has destroyed through fossil fuel burning of the ozone layer.
    All creating an ugly havoc of destruction we will never be able to repair, and we can only watch in our successive generational horror, as mother earth lay dying in this corner of the universe, when she tries to sew the hole that destroys in her ozone, that cancerous gaping, and growing yaw, through storms to guide her instinct driven family babies to any possible refuge that humanity has not defied and stained with their ugliest of human touch.
    To rain down upon, and wash away the resource malignancy of a bling bling humanity bent on degradation of a planet that used to support more, a myriad more life, than it does now. Rather than marvel at all life on a planet has to offer, this humanity chose to marvel at the offerings of the planet at the expense of LIFE! how terribly sad.

  2. This article has more to do with oil but it also points out the fallacy of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).

    We are a speck on the timeline of this world. It was here before we arrived and will be here after we are gone. If you truly believe in science, then you’ll know that there are theories that the earth has gone through massive freeze/thaw cycles without any human intervention. Your primary concern that the world will be different tomorrow than it is today is silly and not forward looking at all. How do you feel about evolution? Take a real look at some maps one of these days and be surprised at how much unpopulated land there is in this world.

  3. The is no climate change taking place and esp. as it relates to Hawaii there is no sea level rise taking place. The state should not be considering spending any resources on a change in sea level that is not happening. The only thing that is happening on this front is that liquid petroleum is becoming more expensive to use in Hawaii, no. 1 because the dollar is losing value and no. 2 because of increased demand for liquid petroleum fuel on the international markets. Both of those reasons are pushing up the cost of outside derived fuel to Hawaii, and that needs to be replaced with locally derived renewable fuels. But, climate change and carbon are NOT a reason for policy changes in Hawaii.

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